
发布 2020-07-31 03:21:28 阅读 9949








)1. a. yes, i am. b. yes, i can. c. yes, i do.

)2. a. it’s near the museum. b. the post office is next to the supermarket.

c. i usually go to the supermarket by the no. 16 bus.

)3. a. by bus. b. by plane c. by train

)4. a. i’m going to buy some magazines. b. i’m going on foot.

c. i’m going at 7 o’clock tonight.

)5. a. it’s sunday. b. it’s tuesday. c. it’s thursday.


)6. how can i get to the park?

a. by the no. 3 bus. b. by the no. 13 bus. c. by the no. 31 bus.

)7. is mike’s home near the school?

a. yes, it isb. no, it isn’t. c. yes, i think.

)8. what is tom going to do?

a. he’s going to play basketballb. he’s going to visit his parents.

c. he’s going to visit his grandparents.

)9. when is mary going to the zoo?

a. this weekend. b. tomorrow. c. this afternoon.

)10. where is the hospital?

a. it is on the right of the roadb. it is near the park.

c. it’s next to the post office.


)11. who is going to visit her grandparents?

a. amyb. sarahc. i don’t know.

)12. sarah is going there

a. by subwayb. by busc. on foot

)13. sarah’s grandparents’ home is next to

a. the science museum b. the science bookstore c. the library

)14. amy is going to

a. the libraryb. visit her grandparentsc. the science bookstore

)15. sarah and amy are going together

a. after breakfast b. after lunch c. after class




)1can water become vapour?

a. who how d. what

)2. please come to my twelfth birthday party 6 pm sunday.

a. in, at b. in, on c. at , on d. at, at

)3. tom likes playing __chess . his father likes playing __violin.

ab . the c. thed . the , the

)4. _you going to usebooks?

a. do , any b . are , some c . do , some d . are , any

)5. my father is an __my mother is an

a. artist , accountant b . engineer, singer

c . accountant , salesperson d . cleaner , writer

)6. walk straight __three minutes, and you will see the cinema.

a. to b . in c . for d. of

)7. my sister works __a bank. .she’s __accountant.

a . in , a b. in , an c . at , a d. at , an

)8.__the picture . what can you __in the picture?

a . lool at , look b. look , see c . look at , see d . see , look at

)9. the birds lives __the tree. and there are many apples __the tree .

a .in , on b. on , in c. in , at d. at , on

)10. make __the door is locked ( 锁 )

a. out c.

)11. miss li teaches us __sometimes .

a. drawing pictures b. draw pictures c. to draw pictures d. draws pictures

)12.there is no bus . he has to __home.

a. walk b. walks c. to walk d. walking

)13. oh , look! the train is __

a . come b . coming c . comes d. to come

) go to school __monday __friday.

a from , to b . on , on c . to , to d. from , in

)15. _a beautiful tree!

a . how b . what c . where d . how

)16. it’s too late . mike goes to school without __breakfast.

a. h**e b. h**ing c. to h**e d. has

)17are in the same class . we are good friends .

a. i , he and you b. you , he and i c. he , you and i d. you , i and he

)18. how much __does he h**e for lunch?

人教版六年级上期末数学真题 二

一 认真思考,谨慎填空 每空1分,共21分 1 2分 0.75 化成最简整数比是比值是。2 2分 用圆规画一个周长为18.84厘米的圆,圆规两脚间的距离应取厘米,所画圆的面积是平方厘米 3 2分 16米的是米,把米平均分成3份,每份是米 4 3分 2的倒数是和0.75互为倒数,一个数的是24,这个数...


南雅小升初语文真卷。考生注意 本试卷共三个大题,考试时间 90分钟,满分 100分 姓名 学校。一 基础知识的积累和运用 共30分 1.下面加点的字注音全部无错误的一项是 3分 a.稀罕h n伫立zh 船舶b b.贪婪l n雏形ch 储蓄zh c.纤细qi n 干涸g 沏茶q d.顷刻q ng狩猎s...


1 把 4 和3.14这四个数按从小到大的顺序排列起来是 2 的倒数是 0.25与 互为倒数 90米的是 米 9千克比15千克少 3 把一个直径6cm的圆剪开后拼成一个近似长方形,这个长方形的长是 cm,面积是 cm。4 笑笑用小棒以下面的方式摆六边形。1个 2个 3个4个。摆1个用6根,摆2个用1...