
发布 2020-07-25 11:04:28 阅读 2313





look, listen and choose.看图听录音,选择与所听内容相符的答案,并把答案代号填在每小题前的括号内。每句读两遍。(14分)


abcabcabclisten and choose.听录音,选择正确答案,并将答案代号填在括号内。每句读两遍。(10分)

1 ( a holiday b yesterday c building

2 ( a rightb nearc left

3 ( a restaurant b supermarket c hairdresser

4 ( a toysb treesc flower

5 ( a wednesday b friday c saturday

listen and number 听录音,用数字标出朗读顺序。每句读两遍。(16分)

笔试部分 (60分)


) 1 a ship b train c nice

) 2 a bank b turn c post office

) 3 a china b african c was

) 4 a tell b radio c tv

) 5 a river b bigc lake

) 6 a sunny b photo c rainy

read and choose. 读句子,选择正确答案的代号填在括号内。(10分)

) is good at drawing. he drew pictures the wall.

a in b on c at

) 2 we waste water every day.

a too much b much too c too many

) did you go to plant trees last sunday?

girla yes, i did b no, i did c no, i don’t

( )4. boy: where are we going to visit?

girla on tuesday b the great wall c at 8:00

( )5how can i get to the bookshop?

a. thank you b yes. c. excuse me.

read and choose.读句子,把相应的答语代号填入左边括号内。(14分)

)1 how do you doa i was born on january 1st, 1992

( )2 where are you fromb yes, i did.

( )3 when were you bornc how do you do?

( )4happy children’s dayd thank you!

( )5 did you go to plant trees yesterday? e it was wonderful.

( )6 how was your holidayf my name is zhoupei.

)7what’s your nameg i’m from china.

read and choose.读短文,判断句子正(√ 误 ( 8分)

last saturday was march 12th. it was tree planting day. it was sunny.

gao wei and his classmates went to plant trees. they used spades to dig holes in the ground. then they brought young trees and put them into the holes.

they got water from the river nearby. they watered the young trees.

trees are very important to people. they can stop the wind. they can make the air fresh and clean.

the students want to make their country greener.

) wednesday was tree planting day.

) was sunny last saturday.

) got water from the river nearby.

) are very important to people.

read and choose.根据短文内容选择正确答案。(8分)

my name is gaowei. my family is planning to go on a trip during the coming holiday. my mum wants to go to hangzhou by plane.

my dad is going to take a train to dalian, but i would like to go to beijing zoo by bus.

when we go on the trip,we should keep the street shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere. we should s**e the water. when i go to the zoo, i will try to protect the animals.

because they are our good friends. i will be kind to them.

) mum wants to go to hangzhou .

plane train ship

) would like to go to by bus.

zoo zoo ming tombs

) we go on the trip,we should keep the street thow rubbish everywhere.


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