
发布 2020-07-24 07:24:28 阅读 3296

yes, i’d love to.


it’s time i must go now.

thank you and your … for h**ing me.

it was really nice ang delicious.




2. 准备一些实物。


qinshihuang’s terra-cotta warriors and horse(兵马俑),the gteat wall(长城), the bell tower(钟楼), the west lake(西湖).england, english, austraia, australian, france, french. enjoy, weather, delicious, trip.

a shopping list, a supermarket, a shopping big dinner, nice , delicious.


where are you going ? i’m going to …(名胜古迹名称) who will take you there?

where are you from? i’m from …

is it the first time you come to…? i hope you will enjoy yourself here.

how did you come here? i came here by …


how was your trip to …?

it was great. i enjoyed it.


was the weather ok?

yes, but a little bit hot.


what do you think of the food there?

very delicious.


you’d better do…

we’re glad to h**e her at home.

would you like to …?

yes, i’d love to.


it’s time i must go now.

thank you and your … for h**ing me.

it was really nice ang delicious.


where are you going ? i’m going to …(名胜古迹名称) who will take you there?

is it the first time you come to…? i hope you will enjoy yourself here.

how was your trip to …?

it was great. i enjoyed it.

you’d better do…

we’re glad to h**e her at home.

it’s time i must go now.

thank you and your … for h**ing me.



a pop song, a tape, a cd, foreign, cheap, folk music.

size, expensive, a clothes shop, slippers, sneakers, sunglasses, looking for.

snow white, the moonstone , the abrabian nights.

keep a book, finish, renew a book



can i help you ?

yes, please.

which do you like better,… or …?

i like … better.

how much is it?

it’s …


what can i do for you?

i’m looking for …

what size does she wear?

i wear small size.

what colour do you like?

i like pink.

how much is it?

it’s expensive.


what can i do for you?

i’d like to borrow a …

would you like an english one or a chinese one?

please return this book in two weeks.


how long may i keep …?

what must i do if i can’t…?

you must come and renew it.




2. 准备一些实物。

教学过程。1.练习本上听写单词: a pop song, a tape, a cd, foreign, cheap, folk music.

size, expensive, a clothes shop, slippers, sneakers, sunglasses, looking for.

snow white, the moonstone , the abrabian nights.

keep a book, finish, renew a book



can i help you ?

yes, please.

which do you like better,… or …?

i like … better.

how much is it?

it’s …


what can i do for you?

i’m looking for …

what size does she wear?

i wear small size.

what colour do you like?

i like pink.

how much is it?

it’s expensive.


what can i do for you?

i’d like to borrow a …

would you like an english one or a chinese one?

please return this book in two weeks.


how long may i keep …?

what must i do if i can’t…?

you must come and renew it.


can i help you ?

yes, please.

which do you like better,… or …?

i like … better.

what size does she wear?

i wear small size.

what colour do you like?

i like pink.

would you like an english one or a chinese one?

please return this book in two weeks.

how long may i keep …?

what must i do if i can’t…?

you must come and renew it.


教学目标。1.熟悉掌握“四会”单词:h**e a talk, helpful, write a letter, a king, penfriend, keep a diary.

snake, zebra, giraffe, lion, elephant, hippo, monkey, kangaroo, deer, fox, wolf, tiger, panda.

a lily, grass, dig a hole, plant trees pick flowers, cut a tree.

an actor, make me happy, a pop star.

a map of the world, the earth, mountains, land, living things, on the top, salty.

2.会说会用这些句子:学习并掌握以‘how’引导的感叹句的形式及其用法:how …they are\ it is!


i saw…\ i can see…

my f**ourite animal is…

it’s very …

学习运用情态动词,can, can’t, must, should.

you can find many …

we can’t pick flowers ( cut the tree).

we must (should) take care of the them.


i like\enjoy doing…


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