
发布 2020-07-21 02:16:28 阅读 2106

一。 选择题。

)1do you go to school?

a. howb. whoc. where

) england and australia, drivers drive on the __side of the road.

a. leftb. rightc. straight

) you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the

a. traffic lights b. traffic rulesc. traffic light

) i go on foot?

a. yes, you canb. i go there on foot.

)5. look at the traffic lights.

a. we must stopb. it’s not far.

) can i get to the supermarket?

a. you can get there by bike. b. yes , you can.


a. let’s go to the zoob. how do you go to the zoo?


a. do you go to australia by plane? b. how do you go to australia?

)9. there is a post office __the left.

a. of b. to c. on

) want to buy a pair __shoes.

a. in b. at c. of

)11.-where is the book store?

it’s next __the post office.

a. to b. in c. on

)12. i take the no. 23 bus, then i __and go to the school.

a. get up b. get on c. get off

) can go straight for 3 minutes and then___right.

a. take b. turn c. buy

( )14. 想询问对方是怎样去学校的,可以问:

a. how do you go to school? b. how can i go to school ?

) 15. 想询问对方“我”可以怎样去公园,可以这样问:

a. how do you go to the park? b. how can i go to the park?

16. 别人跟你说“thank you!”,你应该这样回答:

a. you’re welcomeb. ok..

17. “我可以走路去吗?”,应该这样问:

a. can i go on foot ? b. can i go by bike?+

18. 想知道别人的名字可以这样问:

a. how are youb. what’s your name ?


) 1. a . ship b. light c. subway d. plane

2. a..red

3. a. how


) rightc. straight

( )b. south c. north

( )office b. bankc. country

) b. bestc .west

( )b. subway c. train


where, how, on foot , near , bus , go to

a:let's __the park this morning.

b:great!but___do we go to the park?

a:it's easy. come to my home by __

b:ok. but __is the park?

a:it's __my home.we can go __


1. a yellow light means

2. the three colors of the traffic lights are red

3. can you go to canada by plane? (作肯定回答。)

4. i go to school by subway.(对划线部分提问。)



什么时候。pair of8.



go __for 4 minutesright.


the post office isthe bank.


the school is


the cinema isthe bank.


a. then turn left. b.

excuse me. c. how can i get to the cinema?

d. is it far from here? e.

it’s north of the cinema.

amywhere is the post office?


wu: go straight for three minutes


wu: no, it’s not far.

amy: thank you.


) 1. lucy and lilywatch a football match this afternoon.

a. goes to b. is going c. is going to d. are going to

)2. where are you going __the weekend ?

a. to b. in c. at d. on

)3. i’m going to the supermarket __my mother at noon.


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