
发布 2020-07-21 00:09:28 阅读 2742


(总分:100分时间:30分钟) 命题人:张浩学校樊小霞。

一、 根据**选择正确的单词。(每小题1分,共5分)

)1. a. post office b. bookstore c. library

)2. a. comic book b. post card c. news*****

) 3. a. diving b. riding a bike c. ****** kites

) 4. a. washed clothes b. cleaned the room c. rowed a boat

) 5. a. by plane b. by train c. by ship


) is b. are c. do d. am

)2. a. cm b. m c. ton d. tail

)3. a. old b. tall c. long d. younger

)4. a. cooked b. read c. visited d. watch

)5. a. who b. what c. where d. watch


abcde )1、--what does your brother dohe is a policeman .

)2、--which season do you like best? -i like summer best . because i can swim3、--what is the elephant doing now?

-it is drinking water .

)4、--what is your mother doingshe is cooking dinner .

)5、please remember the traffic rules. we must stop at a red light .


)1、 i h**e english book.

a. a b. an c./

)2、how are you today

a. i’m fine. b. i feel well. c. i can jump.

)3、mike is 165cm tall . john is 160cm tall . john isthan mike .


)4、--how do you go to school

a、yellow . b、by bikec、miss white .

)5、--what does your father do ? he is __engineer .

a、an b、ac、the

)6、--what’s your hobbyi like

a、play football b、played football c、playing football

)7、imy grandparents last weekend with my mother .

a、visited b、visitingc、visits

)8、--where does the rain come fromit comes from the

a、clouds b、waterc、vapour

)9、--did you read booksyes

a、i dob、i didc、i does.

)10、--where is the bookstoreit’sthe post office .

a、next to b、in c、on

)11、--what are you going to do this eveningi’m going to __a book .

a、bought b、buy c、buying

)12、--what’s your name

a、i’m 13 years old . b、i’m a student . c、my name is mike .

)13、the dog’s tail is long. the monkey’s tail is .

a. long b. longer c. longest

( )14.、i am 42 kg. she is 44kg.

so i am 2kg than her.

a. taller b. stronger c. thinner

( )15did you go on your holiday?

i went to xinjiang.

a. what b. where c. how


)1. john usuallyon the weekend.

)2. -what’s the matter?

---my )3. after school, mary walks home, she

)4. iyesterday


( )1、how tall are you ?

)2、did you play football yesterday ?

)3、what’s your father’s hobby ?

)4、is she listening to music ?

)5、what’s the matter with you ?


1. i’m,than,and,shorter,thinner,you (

2. weekend, did, last, what, you, do (

3. went,i,hiking,yesterday (.

4. how, i, get, can, to, zhengzhou park (

5. what, going, this, do, you, to, are, weekend (


hello! my name is mike. do you know kunming?

that is a beautiful place. last holiday my family went to there. we went to hotel(酒店) by taxi.

the driver is very friendly. he told us many things about kunming. but when we got to the hotel ,i found(发现) my bag was in the taxi.

i was very angry. we asked the police(警察) to help us to look for(寻找) it. there were many bags in the police station(警察局), but they are not mine.

the afternoon a man came into(进入) the police station. he had(拿着) my bag. i was so excited to see the taxi driver again(又,再).

he told me to enjoy my visit to kunming.

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