
发布 2020-07-20 22:49:28 阅读 6861

一、写出下列单词。1、一些: 2、运动员:

3、比赛: 4、抓住: 5:

团队: 6:击打:

7、需要: 8、输9:扔10:

买:11:锻炼: 12:之后: 13:肌肉: 14:分钟: 15、小时:

16:洋葱: 17、肌肤:


20:健康的: 21:

沙滩: 22:凉鞋:

23:跳绳: 24、躺:


26、记得: 27:旗子: 28、早的: 29、惊喜: 30、迟的:

31、开始: 32、忘记: 33、游泳衣: 34、海洋: 35、将要:




完全形式反义词) 9. need(单三形式)

形容词副词) 单三形式)



)1、do you like these runners those runners? a and b or c but

)2、i will run than the police officer. a fastes b fast c faster( )3、sixty minutes make hour. a the b anc a

)4、--exercise do you need? -i need about twenty minutes of exercise . a howb how many c how much

)5、--will danny to the school? -no , he

a walk ,won’t b walking ,don’t c walked,won’t

)6、--what did you do yesterdayi a pair of runners.

a buyb bought c buyed

)7、look! jenny is in the swimming pool. a to swim b swimming c swims

)8、do you h**e ping-pong balls? a some b any c a

)9、would you like to play basketball? a to learn blearn clearned

)10、it’s time school. a for b to c go

)11、please tell hima don’t b doesn’t c isn’t( )12、 is exercisea running b to run c run

)13、everyone to be strong and healthy. a to want b want c wants

)14、do you remember basketball with danny?

a playing b to play c plays

)15、good healthyou. a on b for c to

四、 用词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1、let’s (h**e) a party for him to say good-bye.

2、jenny doesn’t (go) to school five times a week.

3、i am (hit) the ball to jenny.4、did you h**e fun (watch) the game?

5、this (be) good for you.6、i want (take) off your sandals.

7、i (fly ) home to china next week.8、who (win) the game?

9、let’s go (swim).10、the weather is warmer and (warm)


)1、may i see these pictures? a we went to the store.

)2、how do you go to schoolb thanks!

)3、what sports do you playc i play badminton.

)4、how many gifts do you need? d they are thirty dollars.

)5、what colour is the cabbage? e i wear a swimsuit.

)6、what’s your f**ourite fruit? f my f**ourite fruit is orange .

)7、where did you gog sure !

)8、h**e a good triph i need eleven gifts

)9、how much are theyi by bus .

)10、what do you wear to swim? j the cabbage is green.


1、liming plays basketball once a week. (划线部分提问)

does liming play basketball?

2、we went to the store yesterday. (变为一般疑问句)

you to the store yesterday?

3、are you going to fly home to china tomorrow? (同义句转换)

you home to china tomorrow?

4、it’s about five kilometers from my home to the store. (划线部分提问is it from your home to the store?

5、it’s 5:00 now. (划线部分提问is it now ?


1、food , your , healthy , good ,body , make ,

2、am , basketball , i , the ,throwing ,(

3、an , your , looks , airplane , kite , like ,(

4、basketball , is , the , too , he ,throw , weak ,to ,(

5、tomorrow ,you ,do , will , what ,(


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