
发布 2020-07-19 15:58:28 阅读 3040


一:口语测试,请从第∏栏中找出与的i 栏相对应的答语,并将其代号写在括号内。(每小题1分,共10分)

iii( )1. good morninga. nice to meet you,too.

( )2. nice to meet youb. fine,thank you.

( )3. thank you very muchc. i feel sick.

( )4. what’s the matterd. it’s an orange.

( )5. what’s thate. yes ,i can.

( )6. what’s your namef. i’m ten.

( )7. how old are youg. it’s red.

( )8. can you singh. that’s ok.

( )9. what colour is iti. good morning.

( )10. how are youj. my name is mike.



a. math b. monday c. chair d. cheese e. tomato

f. friday g. i. carrot j. hamburger




)1. —do you h**e two cakes

a. yes, i canb. yes, i i don’t.

( )2. -can i use your bike

here you are. i it is.

( )3. lucy___an english book.

) 4. what __you do yesterday ?

) 5. -what are you doingi __

cookingc. am cooking

) 6. li ming likes __tv.

) 7do you doi am a worker.

) 8. -what __is todayit’s sunday.

) 9. i usually go to school __bike.

a. by( )is kate, she is __american.


tired went who bedroom eyes teacher an taller football cold

1. ito school yesterday morning.

2. boys likes playin**ery much.

3. li lei isthan li ming.

ami want to go to bed now.

feel sick, i h**e a

6is that ? that’s my father.

7. i can see with my

8. mr li is our math

9. clean yourplease . it’s dirty.

10. what’s this ? it’seraser.


1. can do for you i what

2. you do how feel

3. my grandmother i visited yesterday

4. time to it’s home go

5. mother love my i very much


dear marry,how are you? miss you very much! we stayed in a small village in fangxian last week.

we had a good arrived on monday afternoon and ate some fresh fruits. they are my f**ourit. on tuesday we went fishing in a big lake.

the water in the lake is clean. on wednesday we climbed a mountain. we sang and danced on the mountain, we took many pictures on the mountain too.

on thursday and friday we played football and basketball, we were very happy. we will be back home tomorrow.


)1. mary stayed in a small village.

)2. they arrived on monday morning.

)3. they went fishing in a small lake.

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