
发布 2020-07-18 18:12:28 阅读 5399



二. 把下列组词中不同类的字母编号写在前面的括号里。(15分)

三. 选择填空。(20分)

) you __your keys?

) doing ?

) are going to __in a hotel.

c. went

) she __fishing yesterday?

) winter, i __to hong kong.

going to

) the hat ? it is 50 yuan.

) is goschool __bike.

) is goodme? get plenty of exercise.

) often plays __guitar after school.

c.\ ) had a bad day.



do, why, you, that (?

i, playing, was (.

his, he, homework, did , do (?

4.2:30, where, you, at, were (?

1. traffic, go, to, light, staight, the (.


ab )1. what does he do? a. she is going to the cinema.

)2. what does she do? b. he is old and fat.

)3. what is it like? c. she is a dentist.

)4. what is he like? d. he is a doctor.

)5. where is she going? e. it’s long and black


1. 我有一个好主意。

igood idea.


the mouse __going into the


donntup. you __tired.


what happened? -imuch candy.


can we

七. 看问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其标号填入括号。(12分)

)1. where does your pen pal live?

a. no, he live in the countryb. he live in the city. c. he lives in the village.

)2. when does she go to school?

a. she go to school at 8:00b. she goes to school at 8:00. c. yes, she does.

)3. does liu yun go to school by subway?

a. no, she doesn’t. b. no, he doesn’t. c. yes, on foot.

)4.mary’s uncle is doctor, her aunt is artist.

a. a , ab. a, anc. an. a

)5. does your father work? in a post office.

a. whereb. whatc. how

)6. my father sells things in a shop. he is a .

a. accountant b. salesperson c. policeman.

八. 阅读。(10分)

my name is mary. i am 12. my aunt is name is betty.

she likes shopping very much. but she never goes shopping at the weekends. she thinkes weekend is the time for her to relax (休闲;休息)at home ,and three are too many people in shops ,too.

it is monday evening .my aunt and i in a supermarket. we want to buy a tube of toothpaste ,ten cans of cola and some apples,my aunt thinks food in supermarket, is fresh and cheap.


) is likes shopping .

) is ten years old.

) usually stays at home at the weekends .

) is mothern,ever goes shopping .

) usually goes shopping at the weekends.


六年级上册语文第一次月考试卷分析。一 考试情况分析。本班共有21人,本次考试人数21人,及格19人,优秀10人,整体成绩还不错,只是个别学生基础知识掌握的还不够牢固。二 存在的问题。1 字词。对于六年级的学生,字词已不再是重点,但是整个小学阶段对字词的把握对学生的影响是十分深远的,尤其是某些错别字,...


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