
发布 2020-07-16 01:21:28 阅读 1263

words and phrases

always总是never从不sometimes有时usually通常boots靴子bus stop公共汽车站bus driver公共汽车司机school bus校车umbrella雨伞(复数umbrellas)wet(反义词)dry (复数)degrees hot(反义词cold outside(反义词)insidepencil(复数)--pencilsstamp(复数)--stampsdress(复数)--dressesdish(复数)--dishesbus(复数)--busesman(数)--men woman(复数)--women child(复数)--children wear(同音词)whereplay the guitar弹吉他playthe piano弹钢琴go inside to play去里面玩down the street沿着街on a rainy day在一个下雨天far from离。远how old多少岁the same相同的different不同的live in住在very good很好how many多少(后接名词复数)here is这是these are这些是this is这是ask question问问walk to school步行去学校ride a bike =ride bikes骑自行车put...for...

用。表示。fall from从。

落下come down沿着注意下列动词的单三形式:do---does, go---goes, wash---washes, watch---watches, teach---teachessentences

1、time to go to school.是去上学的时候了。2、it's rainy today!今天是下雨天。

3、don't forget your boots and umbrellas.别忘了你的雨靴和雨伞。

4、i like to h**e my boots and umbrella on a rainy day.我喜欢在下雨天穿雨靴打雨伞。

5、this is me with my boots and umbrella on a rainy 'm dry!这是下雨天我穿着雨靴打着雨伞我是干的!6this is me without my boots and umbrella on a rainy 'm wet!

这是下雨天我没穿着雨靴打着雨伞我是湿7、here comes the school bus!公共汽车来了!


he never wears dresses./ i never walk.8、i live too far from school.


9、do you usually go to school by bus?你通常坐公共汽车上学吗?yes,but sometimes i ride my bicycle!

是的,但是有时候我自行车!10、where are you from?i am from china.

你来自于**?我来自中国。11、is that far from beijing?

那儿离北京远吗?12、do you like canada?你喜欢加拿大吗?

13、what’s the name of your city?你城市的名字是什么?

14、when did you come to china? i came on friday.你什么时候来的中国?

我星期五来的。15、can you speak english?你会说英语吗?

yes,i can.\no,i can't.16、you speak good english.


17、doeseveryoneinyourfamilyspeakenglish?你家里每个人都说英语吗? english.

\no,we speak chinese.是的,我们家每一个都说英语。不,我们说汉语。

18、how old are you ?你多大?i'm twelve years old.


19、how’s the weather today?今天天气怎么样?it’s rainy and cool.

下雨并凉爽的。20 what’s the temperature?温度是多少?

it’s fifteen degrees.十五摄氏度。21 is that cold or hot?

是冷还是热啊?that’s very hot.非常热。

22 how many lines make a ********?多少条线组成一个三角形?three.

三条。how many lines make a square?多少条线组成一个正方形?

four.四条。23 what’s your f**ourite shape?


my f**ourite shape is a circle.我最喜欢的形状是圆形/i like lines.我喜欢直线/it’s a circle.

是圆形/circle.圆形。24 i like all the shapes.


25 pencil-pencilsstamp-stamps dress-dresses bus-buses dish-dishes man-men woman-women child-children26 do you always do your homework?你总是写家庭作业吗?

yes,i do.是的no,i usually do my homework.不,我通常写家庭作业。

27 let’s put a ******** for always.让我们用三角形表示总是。28 let’s put a circle for usually.


29 let’s put a square for sometimes.让我们用正方形表示有时。30 let’s put a line for never.


31 do you wear dresses?你穿连衣裙吗?no!i never wear dresses.不,我从不穿连衣裙。

32 do you brush your teeth in the morning?早上你刷牙吗?yes,i do.是的。

33 do you h**e lunch at 12:00?你在十二点吃午饭吗?

yes,i do.是的。no,i don’t.

不是。34 do you watch tv in the evening?你晚上看电视吗?

yes,i do.是的。no,i don’t.

不是。35 do you read books on saturdays?你在星期六看书吗?

yes,i do.是的。no,i don’t.

不是。36 who wants to learn a new song?谁想学一首新歌?

i do!i love to sing.是的,我喜欢学。

37 would you play the piano? sure.你可以弹钢琴吗?

当然。38 i want everyone to sing loudly!我想要每个人大声唱歌。

39 i want you to sing softly!我想要你唱得柔和些!40 let’s play a game.


41 my family lives in an apartment.我的家住在公寓大楼里。


words and phrases always总是 never 从不 sometimes 有时 usually 通常 boots 靴子bus stop 公共汽车站 bus driver 公共汽。车司机school bus 校车 umbrella雨伞 复数umbrellas wet 反义词 dry ...


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