
发布 2020-07-09 22:06:28 阅读 1679



听力部分。一、 听音,选出句子中含有的单词。

)1. a. readb. really c. ride

)2. a. enjoy b. enough c. england

)3. a. noseb. hungry c. noisy

)4. a. please b. picnic c. picture

)5. a. every b. everyday c. everyone

)6. a. balloon b. football c. basketball

)7. a. stopb. party c. play

( )8. a. trumpet b. train c. zither

)9. a. carry b. eggsc. stairs

( )doorbell b. window c. ball


)1. a. 大明正举行生日派对。

b. 他正在穿过马路。

)2. a. 句子掉了。

b. 苹果从楼梯上滚落下来了。

)3. a.写正在树上唱歌。


)4. a.明天,哈尔滨下雪。


)5. a.请给我一个热狗。



( )1. a. i like hot dogs

b. i want a hot dog

( )2. a. it’s thirteen dollars

b. there are going to go home

( )3. a. we are going to go home

b. it’s going to rain

( )4 a. at the supermarket

b. at half past seven

( )5. a. she’s eating dinner

b. he’s at watering tv

四。 听音,写单词,补全句子。

1. we had a picnic in the

2. i miss everyone in

3. it’s going to bein xi’an .

4. what a

5. daming is playing the


1. 往外2. 飘走。

3. 小心4. fall down___

5 . birthday party6. h**e a picnic


( )apples b. hamburgers c .bananas d. pears

) b. singc. going d. falling

( )has b .hadc .did d .went

) windy b. warmc. rain d. hot

( )he b. shec. id .me


ring(现在分词say (第三人称单数)__

ride(现在分词down (对应词)__

go (第三人称单数buy (过去式)__

run (现在分词we (宾格。


1. it’s going to be c___in beijing tomorrow.

2. daming is s___some photos to lingling.

3 .we are l___at some ducks.

4. w___can help me?

5. the train is going up a h___


) 1.--is this hamburger ?

--two dollars

a . how mush b .how many c. what

) 2.--are you going to eat?

-- at half past seven.

a . where b. what c. when

) it’s going to be __in qingzhou.

a. rain b. snow c. hot

) 4. pigs are sleeping __the tree.

a. on b. in c. under

) a picnic yesterday.

a. h**e b. has c, had

) talking to her friend , the phone is ringing.

a. butt b. andc. or

) 7.--who can help __

---sorry , i___

a. my, can’t b. me, can c .me ,can’t

) sun __shining.

a. am b. is c. are

) 9. daming is playing __trumpet.

ab. the c. an

) under the tree.

a. go b. goes c. went


are、h**e 、to 、picnic (

2. you、 want 、drink 、what 、to 、do (.

3. daming’s 、is 、birthday 、****** 、simon 、card (

、am 、looking 、i 、the 、window 、out (.

、going 、it 、is 、to 、be 、tomorrow (.


)1. what do you want to eat ? a. thank you.

)2. how much is itb. we are going to watch tv.

)3. what are we going to do? c. i can help you.

)4. here you ared. it’s twenty yuan .

)5. who can help hime. a hamburger for you .


2015 2016学年第一学期狮山博雅学校六年级英语。期中教学质量调查题。全卷满分100分,含2分书写分 学校班级学号姓名成绩 listening 40分 boys and girls,my name is peter.i live in nanhai.it s sunny and cool thi...

六年级英语 年PEP六年级英语下册期中考试卷

pep版 2012 2013学年第二学期期中考试卷。六年级英语。一 选出下列单词所缺的字母,将其序号填在括号 10分 1.sm ll a.o b.a c.i 2.h t a.ar b.ur c.er 3.si e a.f b.h c.z 4.d p a.ee b.ii c.rr 5.f l a.ee...


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