
发布 2020-07-09 22:13:28 阅读 6744





listening (40分)

boys and girls, my name is peter. i live in nanhai. it’s sunny and cool this weekend.

where are you going this weekend? what are you going to do?

一. weekend is coming. peter and his friends are busy. 请听他的介绍,并购出他与朋友要做的事情,短文听两遍。 (10分)

二. peter is asking liu yun how to go to these places. 请听对话,把他将要去的地方和要用的交通工具连起来,对话听两遍 (10分)

by planeon foot by bus by taxi by subway

三. peter’s friends are shopping. what are they going to buy? 根据听到的信息,用阿拉伯数字按顺序标号。(10分。

四. peter is going to make a form for his friends’ weekend plans. can you help him? 请听短文三遍,写下他们什么时候去做什么,完成以下信息表。


reading and writing (58分)

一. peter’s best friend, candy wants to know lily’s weekend plan.从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话把句子写在横线上。(有两个多余选项)(10分)

candy: 1. .

lily: i usually read books in yucai bookstore.

candy: oh, really! i’d like to go there. 2

lily: it’s behind renmin park.

candy: 3

lily: yes. it’s only 5 minutes’ walk.


candy: sure, if you like. but you must see the traffic lights.

lily: i see. thank you.

candy: you’re welcome. 5

lily: thank you.

二、do you know the traffic rules in china? please tell robin about them.请读句子,给**选出正确的句子。


a. some children usually come to school by school bus.

b. you can see the compass in the car. it can help people find the way.

c. in china, many people wear helmets when they ride bikes.

d. in alsska, usa, it snows a lot. some kids go to school by sled.

e. people can’t ride bikes on the road until they are 12 years old.

f. if you drive a car on the road, you must pay attention to the traffic lights.

三. peter’s new friend betty is going to h**e a busy weekend. 选择填空。 (8分)

my name is betty. i am lily’s new friend. tomorrow is saturday.

i h**e 1lessons. my parents 2 going to work. but we are going to be very busy tomorrow.

my mother is going to the 3to buy something for next week. my father is going to 4 my aunt and uncle. i 5 going to play computer 6with my cousin.

tomorrow evening we are going to h**e 7 big dinner. after that we are going to the 8 to see a very good film. i think we are going to h**e a nice weekend.

) 1. a. manyb. noc. four

) 2. a. aren’tb. isn’tc. are

) 3. a. shoe storeb. supermarket c. library

) 4. lookb. watchc. visit

) 5. a. isb. amc. are

) 6. a. gameb. cardc. games

) 7. ab. ac. an

) 8. a. bookstoreb. post office c. cinema

四. on friday evening, peter is writing a plan about next weekend. 你能按中文提示完成她的周末计划吗?(5分)

hi, i am lily. i’m going to h**e a busy weekend next weekend. on friday evening, i am going to do my homework first.

on saturday, i超市) with my mother. because we看望祖父母) in the afternoon. in the evening, i看漫画书) at home.

on sunday, my mother and i去旅行) to hong kong. we are going to the theme park. i think i will be very tired but happy.

on sunday evening, i看电影) in the cinema. i am going to h**e another lovely weekend. i love weekend.


六年级英语试卷。班级姓名测试点共105个。听力部分。一 听音,选出句子中含有的单词。1.a.readb.really c.ride 2.a.enjoy b.enough c.england 3.a.noseb.hungry c.noisy 4.a.please b.picnic c.picture ...

六年级英语 年PEP六年级英语下册期中考试卷

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