
发布 2020-05-30 19:56:28 阅读 3865




听力部分)一: 听录音,选择正确的图案,将正确的编号圈起来。(12分。

a ba ba b

a b a b a b


1( )a. jeans b. jacket c. dress

2、( a. math b. english c. chinese

3( )a. red b. black c. brown

4( )a. wall b. tall c. ball

5( )a.7:25 b. 7:45 c. 7:15


1is it now? it’s o’clock .

2. it’s __o’clock. it’s __to___to___

3is my computeris your computer.

4. that is __my dress. my dress is

5. go to the library. read some


)1. a. yes, it is. b. no, it’s not. c. no, it isn’t.

)2. a. it’s time to go to school.

b. it’s time for lunch.

c. it’s time to go home.

)3. a. 7:35 b. 11:35 c. 7:15

)4. a. it’s a gym.

b. it’s a library.

c. it’s a canteen.

)5. a. i like a purple skirt.

b. i like a pink shirt.

c. i like a purple dress.




1. (a. canteen b. bag c. cake

2. (a. fat b. face c. name

3. (a. egg b. she c. we

4. (a. bike b. fish c. window

5. (c. pig


1.is this yournoit’s mike’s.

2. it’s five o’clock. it’s __for

3is it now? it’s 7it’s time to

4are my jeans? they’re white.


)1: we h**e __the gym.

a: in b: on c: at

)2: _these shorts?

a: is b: are c: can

)3: _is this jacket? it’s mike’s.

a: whose b: what c: where\

)4: it’s 7:30, it’s time __go to school.

a: atb: for c: to

)5: is this a library? no

a: is it. b: it’s not. c: it is.

十: 阅读句子,根据上下文的意思,选择正确的句子,补充完整对话。(10分)

a: happy birthday! b: what time is it now? c: no, it’s not.

d: where is my shirt? e: what colour is it?

mike: hurry up! look at the clock!

johnmike: it’s seven o’clock. it’s time for sarah’s birthday party.

john: ok, just a minute. but

mike: is that your shirt?

john: noit’s my brother’s.

mikejohn: it’s blue. i like blue.

mike: hey! it’s on the chair.

john: oh, yes!

john and mike

sarah: thank you! please h**e some birthday cake!


it’s 7 o’clock. it’s time to go school. we h**e english class at 8:

15. miss li is my chinese teacher. she has long hair.

i like her very much. it’s 9 o’clock. we h**e math class.

it’s 11:30. it’s time to go to school.

it’s 3 o’clock. it’s time for music sing and dance. it’s 4:

40. let’s play football.

1i go to school at 7:00.

2i like my chinese teacher.

3i h**e math class at 9:00.

4i h**e class at 3:00.

5i go to playground at 4 o’clock.


班级姓名分数。2006 2007学年度第一学期小学语文四年级上册。园地七。时限 120分钟分数 120分 下面的几道题目,都是考察你的基础知识的,聪明的你一定会出色地完成。1 看拼音,写词语。14分 b w ch ng ch sh n ch r ng qi k i m j d sh u y f i ...

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