
发布 2020-05-30 15:57:28 阅读 1579




一、 listen and number.(听音标号,把数字写在**右下角的方框中)6×2=12分。

二、 listen and choose.(听音选择,根据录音在字母上打勾)6×2=12分。

三、 listen and tick or cross.(听音,“√或“×”6×2=12分。

四、listen and circle.(听录音,圈出句子中所包含的单词)4×2=8分。

1. window board picture computer

2. twenty-one thirty-one fourteen forty

3. music sports painting science

4. strong quiet long hairshort hair

五、listen and choose.(听录音,选择合适的答句)3×2=6分。

) 1. a. it's near the window. b. wow! it's big and nice.

) 2. a. it's black and white. b. i h**e twenty-three.

) 3. a. her name is amy. b. his name is zhang peng.



)1. 教室classr_ _m a.oo b.uu

)2. 数学m_thsa.i b.a

)3. 鞋 sh_ea.o b.u

)4. 墙 w_lla.o b.a

)5. 钥匙 k_ya.a b.e



)1. what colour is ita. i h**e 6.

( )2. how many books do you h**e? b. it’s yellow.

)3. what’s in your bag? c. good idea.

( )4. what’s her named. her name is amy.

)5. let’s clean the window. e. 3 pencils and many books.


) 1. -is thisclassroomyes, it is.

a. yourb. youc. you's

) 2. she __my friend. she __long hair.

a, is; h**eb, is; has c, are; has

) 3. what __is it?

a,manyb, arec,colour

) 4. letclean the classroom.

a. ib, mec, we

) 5. howbooks do you __

a, many; has b, many; h**e c, much; h**e

) 6. the ball is

a, in the door b, in the bed c, under the chair

) 7. we h**e six new

a, lightb, fansc, pen

) 8. -what's his name

a. her name is sarah. b. his name is john. c. he's thin.

) 9. -how many books do you h**e

a. i h**e tenb. i can see ten. c. i h**e a new book.

) 10. -how much is your pen

a. it's blackb. eightc. 30 yuan.



a.good morning! b.nice to meet you.

( )2. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说:

a.are you ok ? b.look at the blackboard.

)3. 当介绍新朋友bob给大家认识,会说:

a.this is bob. b.bob has a new schoolbag.

)4 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说:

a. where is my stroybook ? b. what`s his name?

)5. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说:

a where is my key? b .who is she?


2010学年第一学期四年级英语竞赛试题。70分钟完成满分 100分 学校班级姓名 听力部分 40分 每题读两次 一 听句子,选出句子中含有的信息,并把大写字母编号写在括号内。10分 1.a.29thb.27thc.28th 2.a.presentb.personc.parents 3.a.in th...


2014 2015学年度第二学期 四校联合提质增效 四年级英语自检练习。班级姓名。温馨提示 同学们,今天我们将共同完成3月份自检英语练习题,相信大家一定能够认真对待 努力作答,开动脑筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊!听力部分。listen and number.请根据听到的内容为下列 排序。lis...


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