
发布 2020-05-29 12:20:28 阅读 5789

一1 i ( 名词性物主代词)__

2 i’ll(完全形式)__


4 one(序数词)__

5 clean(反义词。

6 dish(复数。

7 sit(现在分词。

8 is not(缩写)__

9 write(现在分词。

10 month(复数)__

二1 after(反义词。

2 sick(反义词)

3 weak(同音词。

4 tooth(复数)

5 run(现在分词。

6 wash(单三)

7 ride(现在分词。

8 our(同音词)

9 eat(过去式。

10 next(反义词)

三1 lie(现在分词。

2 swim(过去式)

3 say(过去式。

4 fast(比较级)

5 lie(过去式。

6 down(反义词)

7 five(序数词。

8 wind(形容词)

9 skip(现在分词。

10 teacher(动词)


2 forget(反义词)

3 begin(现在分词。

4 party(复数)

5 early(反义词。

6 will not(缩写)

7 flour(同音词。

8 are(过去式)

9 happy(副词。

10 buy(过去式)

五1 skate(现在分词。

2 ski(现在分词)

3 slowly(反义词。

4 snowman(复数。

5 big(比较级。

6 teach(单三。

7 rain(形容词。

8 get(现在分词。

9 mitts(同义词。

10 down(反义词。

七1 i ( 名词性物主代词)__

2 yours(形容词性物主代词)__

3 he(宾格。

4 clean(反义词)__

5 wet(反义词。

6 always(反义词)__

7 sit(现在分词。

8 is not(缩写)__

9 write(现在分词)__

10 month(复数)__

八1 how manyminute) do you dry the dishes?

2 everyonewant) to be healthy.

3 iteach) li ming to play soccer last weak.

4 she iswash) her face.

5 jennywake) up at 7:00 in the morning.

九1 look! danny is (make) a kite.

2 jenny often (write) to her mother.

3 shevisit) her uncle tomorrow.

4 danny runsfast) than the police officer.

5 how manyseason) are there in a year?


1 spring (come) after winter.

2 look! danny is (write) on the wall.

3 tomorrow jennyinvite) liming to swim.

4 do you rememberplay) basketball with danny?

5 i want to walkquick).

十1 it’s 5:15. li ming’s plane __arrive) at 5:00.

2 jenny __live) in canada.

3 are __this) your suitcases?

4 __do) he live in china now?

5 wu nan helps her mother __make) supper.

十二1 let’sgo) home.

2 what a coldsnow) day.

3 winter, spring, summer and fall (be) seasons.

4 i’mtake) off my hat now.

5 danny (love) winter, but he’s always hot or cold.

十1 it’s 5:15. li ming’s plane __arrive) at 5:00.

2 jenny __live) in canada.

3 are __this) your suitcases?

4 now jenny iswatch) tv.

5 wu nan helps her mother __make) supper.

一( )1 __is it? it’s 7:00.

a what time b what c what day

) 2 it’s time __breakfast.

a for b to c of

) 3 let’s __cards.

a play b plays c playing

) 4 whose desk is this? oh, it’s not __desk. it’s __

a my jenny b mine jenny’s c my jenny’s

) 5 jenny sits __a chair.

a inb onc at

) 6 my mother is sleeping. please play __

a quiet b quietly c loudly

) 7 everyone in the living room __quiet.

a am b is c are

) 8 kate’s father is __the news*****.

a read b reading c looking

) 9 this is the refrigerator. it’s cold __

a in b inside c outside

)10 people often eat __in the evening.

a breakfast b lunch c supper

二( )1 donuts aren’t good you.

a. of b. for c. to d. with

) 2 what would you like lunch?

a. with b. at c. in d. for

)3what do you usually do at home?

a. else b. other c. any d. many

) 4 how many make an hour?

a. minute b. minutes c. minuts d. /

) 5 i clean my room saturday.

a. at b. on c. in d. for

) 6 exercise make your body healthy.

a. help b. helped c. helps d. /

) 7 do you play basketball? once a week.

a. how many b. how often c. how d. how many

) 8 jenny doesn’t to school today.

a. go b. goes c. going d. went

) 9 i clean my bedroom about 30 minutes.

a. at b. for c. in d. to

) 10 is exercise.


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一 填空。1.一个数,亿位上是3,千万位上是5,千位上是6,十位上是8,其余各位都是0,这个数是 位数 写作读作。2.一个数有6个1,3个0.1和4个0.01组成的,这个数四舍五入到十分位约是。3.分数单位是的所有最简真分数的和是。4.a和b都是非零自然数,且a b,则a与b的最简单的整数比是比值是...


一 我会选,用 选择带点字的正确读音。荡涤 d ti o 沐浴 m m 炽热 ch zh 粗糙 c o zh o 船舵 du t 仿佛 f f 羡慕 xi n c 跛脚 b p 麻痹 b p 水浒 h x 僻静 p b 鄙视 b b 嗅觉 xi ch u 模样 m m 凋零 di o ti o 铁锹...