
发布 2020-05-29 11:51:28 阅读 5024

七年级上册英语复习题 (2011.1)

班级姓名 词汇部分(填空题)


want some (apple) and (chicken)for lunch.

(bus)are there. are the (tomato)?

are two ( you like (comedy)?

(lisa) f**orite sport? (students) books are on the desk.

8ann and bob) father is a teacher.

二:冠词 (用冠词a,an,the填空,不需填用“∕”表示)

morning you can see sun is very red.

like playing chess,but jack likes playing piano.

is “u”and “s”in the word “see”.

is old map on wall(墙壁). is not orange.

h**e basketball. basketball is forty yuan.


1.--where’s (my/i ) book?--its/it) is on the sofa.

2. (these/this) are my love (they/them).

3. (we/us) help (he/him) with history.

4.--is (those/that) your sister?--no, (it/she) isn’t.

you go to school with (i/me)?

is an american girl. (her/his) name is jenny.


1. tom is years is his birthday.(fourteen/fourteenth)

2. january is the month of the year.(one/first)

3. we h**e a speech contest on may (twentieth—second/twenty—second).

五:连词 (用and ,or,but,because,so填空,可重复使用)

1. they can sing dance at the party.

2. he is very poor(贫穷), he is very happy.

3. -can you swim paint?--i can swim.

4. i h**e a pen a pencil, i don’t h**e a ruler an eraser.

5. tom likes action movies, they’re interesting.

6. i am ill(生病), i don’t go to school today.

六:介词 (用at ,in ,on,for,before,after,of,to,under填空,可重复使用)

1. we go home five o’clock the h**e music monday.

2. our school day is august third.

3. we sell sweaters red ,white and green $ 16.

4. frank often eats hamburgers breakfast.

5. -are my socks on the bed?--no,they are the bed.

6. this is a picture my family.

7. let’s go a movie.

8. lily ususlly watches tv going to bed.

9. you can’t run dinner.


1.--you (play) soccer after class?--yes,i do.

uaually (go) to work at

3.--when he (do) homework?--he (do)homework at

often (get) up at 6:00,then she (brush) her teeth and (h**e) around 7:40,she (go) to school.

5.--what does alice do on weekends?--she (study) chinese and math at home.

6.--who (be)that boy?--he (be) my friend.

f**orite color (be) f**orite colors (be) yellow and red.

think beijing opera (be) boring and thrillers (be)scary.

(be) a student in jiebei middle school(碣北中学)。

really loves (listen) to music.

want (buy) some clothes.

(watch) a volleyball game.


name is jack smith.

a: name jack smith?

肯定回答: ,is. 否定回答:no

b:my jack smith c: name d: jack smith

ok. a: you okb: ok.

c: you? d:i’m .

books are on the chair.

aon the chair?

b:her on the chair. c: her books?

can speak english.

a: you english?肯定回答: ,i . 否定回答: ,i .

b:i english. c: you ?

go to school at 8:00.

a: you to school at 8:00?


b:we to school at 8:00. cyou to school ?

ping usually eats lunch at 12:00.

a: liu ping usually lunch at 12:00?

肯定回答: ,she . 否定回答: ,she .

b: liu ping usually lunch at 12:00.

c: liu ping usually at 12:00?

f**orite subject is math.

cf**orite subject?


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