
发布 2020-05-29 04:48:28 阅读 9782

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need- back- rain-

say- pant- red-


smeart-yearn- whorse-

behsind- aunt- think-


sweep- house- sky-

back- clearfish-


1. 单词接力。第二个单词的首字母是前一个单词的尾字母,第一个和最后一个单词已给出。(5分)


2. green eye 不是“绿眼睛”的意思,green hand也不是“绿手” 的意思,请在横线上写出它们的正确含义。(2分)

green eyegreen hand

3. 根据提示,写出奥运会运动项目英语名称。(8分)

high jumpdiving


basketballlong jump



1. my friends likeclimb ) mountains.

) a lot of pets.

auntstudy ) english every day.

my pens? over there.

is somemilk ) in the glass.

shewash ) the clothes?

h**e two newwatch ).

want tofly ) kites . do you want to join us?

like (sing). i can (sing) well.

liu tao (make) a model plane now?

) a lot of butterflies in the park .

bing (like) swimming.

he oftengo ) swimming on sundays.

13. mr xu (teach) our english. she is our english teacher.


the english for “禁止停车”?(2分)

a. no smoking b. no parking. c. no littering.

2.“ like father, like son.” means4分)

a. 像父亲,又像儿子。 b. 喜欢父亲也喜欢儿子。 c. 有其父必有其子。

3. mike is standing in group one. there are fifteen students in front of him and thirteen students behind him.

how many students are there in

group one用英语表达) (4分)


is book on the table

father is a teacher

m a girl. i amn't a boy

you're a very much good boy.

are two knifes in the bag

look the picture

s you mother?—she's a teacher.

go to the park

is that joe's bag

is at the home


mary is a worker. she works in a glass factory in london. mary doesn’t work on sunday.

she usually gets up early. she doesn’t like staying at home. after breakfast she often drives he red car to see her friend jane.

jane is a doctor.

she lives with her parents near london. mary drives to jane’s house in about forty minutes. there they talk about their jobs(工作), their families and their friends.

then in the afternoon they often go shopping. they h**e a good time.

1. what does mary do

2. where does she work

3. does she like staying at home

4. when does she see her friends

5. what do they talk



what __helen usually after school? she usually __her homework.


your right hand __your left foot

3. 我是英国人。我来自英国。我讲英语。

i am .i’m from . i speak .


there are notin the fridge.

5、你会跳舞吗? 不会。

youno, i can’t.

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