
发布 2020-05-29 05:03:28 阅读 5545

一、 单项选择 (40分)

1.英语是语系。a拉丁 b印欧。


a印度 b德国c新西兰。

3全世界上以上的广播节目用英语**。a 60% b 30%c 70%

4英语从书写上看有印刷体和两种书写体a.编年体 b 手写体 c 拓印体。

5美国的复活节在春分后月圆的第个星期天a.1 b.2 c.3

6 美国的感恩节是在11月的第个星期四a.2 b.3 c.4


a.侏罗纪公园b.乐园 c.迪斯尼乐园。

8 there___some big restaurants in this city.

9 this is a bag __you___your friend from from from

10 shanghai is __the middle of china .

11 i’m very pleased to __you.

12 can you write __me soon ?

13 would you like toh**e another___cake

14 __is her hobby.

15 __is your father ? he is a doctor .a who b what c whom

16 why is the snake __out of the box ?a come c. comes

17 a snake often __the other copy b. copies c. copying

18 i like eglish __it is very easy. b. and c. or

19are the drinks __or different? they're different.

same 20here___some bread and some apples on the tables.

21four girls and a boy __a computer in our class.

got got

22we go to the toy shop at five __twelve in the afternoon.

23___you __your homework last evening? ,did

24what’s your hobby?

a. swiming b. swimming c. swim

25 does your mother wash clothes?

a. yes, she doesn’t b. yes, he does c. no, she doesn’t

26 what does tom do?

a. tom goes to school. b. tom is a boy c. tom is a teacher

27 how does he go to school?

a. on feet b. by foot c. on foot

28he likes __planes. he likestoo.

a. make/swimming b. ****** / swimming c. ****** / swim

29i don’t h**e a brother___sister.

a. or b. and c. the

30 he usually plays at the parksunday.

a. in b. at c. on

31 who is he? he mine b. my c. i

32 shefootball everyday. a. playing b. play c. plays

33 happy birthday! a. the same to you b. thank you


a.let's go fishing this weekend. b.let's go hiking this weekend.

c.let's go ice-skating this weekend.

35别人跟你说:may i borrow your dictionary?你回答说:

a.ok,here you are. b.fine. c.i don't think so.


a.what's this? b.what colour is it? c.what's your name?

37当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说: a.i'sorry. b.hi. c.excuse me.

38有人对你说thank you!时,你应说:

a.you too. b.the same. c.that’s all right.

39___are all middle school students .

a. you, he and i b. you, i and he c. i,you and he d. he ,you andi

40 you like __piano .a. to play b. play c. to play the d. playing

二、 按要求改写单词(15分)

1 shop(复数) 2 dance(现在分词) 3 let’s(完整形式) 4 hobby(复数) 5 knife复数 6lucky(名词) 7hurry(过去时) 8peace(形容词) 9clean(现在分词) 10inside(反义词) 11meet(过去时)12put(过去时) 13special(副词) 14much(比较级) 15mexico(形容词)

三、 用所给单词的正确形式填空(10分)

walk ) on the grass .

geese __catch )the fish now .

3 my grandma __watch)tv every day .

parents___go) to beijing last week .

like __play) football after school .

girls sometimes __sing) in the hall.

7.__be) there any money in your hand?

___h**e) got a boygame? i __h**e) got one.

9. look ! my sisterplay ) with the toy cars .

10 . iget ) up at 6:30 every morning .

四、 划线部分提问(20分)

1he ate 6 bananas last sundayhe __6 bananas ?

2 he ate 6 bananas last sunday.

bananas __he eat last sunday ?

3he dose his homework everydayhe __everyday ?

4、 there is some milk in the glass.(一般疑问句)

milk in the glass?

5 she goes to school by bike.(改为否定句 )

sheto school by bike.

6. the children like the ball . 改为一般疑问句)

___the childrenthe ball ?

7. please put the clothes here .(改为否定句)

___put the clothes here

8. they get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问)

whatthey get up ?

9. are you a pupil?(作出肯定、否定回答)


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