2023年三年级英语上册期末复习试卷 pep人教版

发布 2020-05-25 00:56:28 阅读 1736


1. bb 5. uv


1.( ff ( 2.( mm ( 3.( pp (

4.( ss ( 5.( yy( )


)1. r_ler a. a b. u c. o

)2. cr_yon a. a b. u c. o

)3. y_ll_w a. e,u b. e,o c. a,o

)4. h_ad a. e b. a c. o

)5. b_dy a. o b. a c. u


) h**e a yellow pencil. a. hi! i’m sarah.

) is wu yifan. b. fine,thank you.

) are youc. nice to meet you, too.

) bye, miss white.

) go to schoole. me too!

) to me et youf. ok!



) make a puppet

a. hello! idea! you!

) morning, miss. white! .

)3. what’s your name

a. this is sarah. b. my name is sarah. c. bye, sarah.

)4. i h**e _eraser.

) play

b. goodbye

) h**e a (铅笔). she has a (钢笔).

pencil pen pencil

) sarah fine,thank you.

your name? are you?

)8. you tutu?

a. am b. are

) s name ?

) paint.

a. bye. b. thank you c. great.



a. hello! b. goodbye! c. good afternoon.


a. look at me! b. let's play! c. let's go to school!


a. no, no. b. thank you. at me!


isliu lei. liu lei.

i’m liu lei.


to meet your. to meet you,too.

c. see you.


your hands. your arm.

c. snap your fingers.


your name ? to meet you .

c. i’m li yun.


a. what’s your name ? are you?

you. )9.你想让同桌出示蓝色铅笔时,应说:

a. show me your blue pen.

me your blue pencil.

me your pencil.


a. brown, down.

up. up.


15. foot




)1、i h**e a .(铅笔)

a、book b、bag c、pencil

)2、show me your . 钢笔)

a、book b、pencil c、pen

)3、open your . 铅笔盒)

a、pencil-box. b、pen c、pencil

)4、hello! i’m wang li. .你好!我是刘云。)

a、hi! i’m li yun. b、this is mike. c、goodbye,mike.

)5、look at me . 这是我的鼻子。)

a、this is my nose. b、this is my mouth. c、this is my head.


your hands

me your book

it brown

is my face

5. how are you

old are you


三年级下册期末复习题。一 中英互译。黑色绿色黄色。冰淇淋飞机火车。熊熊猫兔子风筝果汁牛奶。水跳舞绘画。滑冰游泳面条。头身体脚。花茶springsummerautumnwinter 二 翻译句子。1.你的球是什么颜色的?它是红色和白色的。what is it?it sand 2.你喜欢猴子吗?不,我不...


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