
发布 2020-11-21 09:19:28 阅读 5847


and circle(根据所给情境,圈出正确的表达)

1.早上向同学问好时,你可以说: a、good morningb、good afternoon

2.下午看到迈克,你可以说: a、good afternoon,class. b、 good afternoon,mike.

3.你和***打招呼,可以说: a、good morning,miss lib、 hello.

4.当别人和苏海打招呼,苏海可以说: a hellob hi,su hai.

5.当你想介绍自己时,可以说: a hello,i’mb hello,are you ..

6.当你想确认对方姓名时,可以说: a hello,i’mb hello,are you ..

7.当你早上看见刘涛时,可以说: a good morning,liu tao. afternoon,li tao.

8.当你和别人告别时,可以说: a hellob goodbye.

9.跟妈妈告别时,你可以说: a good afternoon,mum. b goodbye,mum.

10.向别人介绍刘涛时,你可以说: a he’s liu taob she’s yang ling

11.向别人介绍你的好朋友时,你可以说: a he’s my friend. b are you su hai?

12.你和杨玲打招呼时,你可以说: a hello,i’m yang ling. b hello,yang ling.

13.想知道对方是不是海伦时,可以说: a are you helen? b she’s helen.

14.你早晨遇到***时,可以说: a good morning,miss li. b good afternoon, miss li.

15.你不确定对方是否是迈克时,你可以说: a hello, mike. b. hello. are you mike?

16.你下午遇见苏海,可以说: a good afternoon,su hai. b good afternoon ,i’m su hai.

17.你向别人介绍自己的妹妹时,可以说: a this is my sister. b this is my friend.


a this is my friend. b this is my friend too.

19.当你想要告诉别人**上的人就是你自己,你可以说: a this is me. b are you helen?

20.当你想要向妈妈介绍你的好朋友时,你可以说: a this is my friend. b this is my mother.

21.你想让别人看你自己的新t恤衫时,你可以说: a、that is a t-shirt. b、 look at my new t-shirt.

22.你想让别人看迈克的新夹克衫时,你可以说: a、this is my jacket. b、look at mike’s new jacket.

23.当你想赞赏对方的衣服很漂亮时,你可以说: a it’s great. b thank you.

24.当对方赞赏你的衣服好看时,你可以说:a thank you . b how nice.

25.当你想知道某物的颜色时,你可以说: a what is that? b what colour is it?


a what colour is your skirt? b look at my skirt.

27.当你向别人展示自己的红帽子时,你可以说: a it’s nice. b look at my red cap.


a what colour is my t-shirt? b look at my orange.

29.当你询问别人是否想吃鸡蛋时,你可以说: a is this an egg? b would you like an egg?


a you su hai? b this is my friend su hai.

31.海伦想向大家介绍自己时,她可以说: a good morning,helen. b hi,i’m helen.

32.想告诉别人自己的短裙是白色的,你可以说: a my skirt is black. b my skirt is white.

33.想知道别人的衣服是什么颜色的,你可以说: a what colour is it? b it’s red and yellow.

34.想让别人看你的夹克时,你可以说: a look at my jacket. b look at my cap.


a what colour is my cap? b what colour is my cap now?


a what about this skirt? b what colour is this skirt?

37.当你很高兴见到别人时,你可以说: a good morning. b nice to meet you.

38.当你向老师介绍你的母亲时,你可以说: a this is my mother. b look at my mother.

39.当你问别人要不要吃蛋糕时,你可以说: a what colour is the cake? b would you like a cake?

40.如果你不想吃别人给你的某样东西时,你可以说:a yes, please. b no,thank you.

41.当你愿意吃点别人给你的东西时,你可以说: a yes,please. b this is my hot dog.

42.想夸赞别人衣服漂亮时,你可以说: a how nice ! b look at me.

43.当你想祝别人新年快乐时,你可以说: a happy birthday ! b happy new year !

44.当你送礼物给别人时,你可以说: a this is for you. b what’s this?

45.当你想感谢别人送你礼物时,你可以说: a thank you .how nice ! b it’s a doll.

46.当你想问别人远处的东西是什么时,你可以说:a what’s this? b what’s that?

47.当你想赞美某样东西很漂亮时,你可以说:a how nice ! b this is for me.



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小学三年级英语复习资料。1.见面打招呼要用 hello 或者 hi 早上见面的时候要说 good morning 早上好。下午见面的时候要说 good afternoon 下午好。和别人再见要说 goodbye 或者 bye bye 2.要问别人的名字要说 what s your name?你叫什么...