三年级英语试卷 2

发布 2020-05-23 00:36:28 阅读 2323













)1. —who’s shemy aunt.

a. she’s b. he’s c. no, she’s

)2. —this is my book. —what a book!

a. this b. that c. nice

)3. —is that a radio? —no, .

a. it is b. it isn’t c. not

)4. —we watch tv? —great.

a. is b. let c. shall

)5. —time to go to bed

a. ok. goodbye. b. ok. good night. c. how are you?


1.( 你想请别人过来,可以说:

a. may i come in? b. come here, please.

2. (别人夸你的裙子很漂亮,你可以说:

a. thank you. b. how pretty!

3.( 当别人说15-8=6时,你可以说:

a.that’s rightb. sorry, you’re wrong.

4 ( 你不确定那个女的是不是mike的姑妈,你会对mike说:

a. is she your aunt? b. who’s she?

5 ( 你想看同学的照相机,可以说:

a. can i h**e a look? b. can i h**e a camera?

6( )你夸朋友的相机好看时,可以说:

a. what a nice camera! b. what a nice radio!

7( )你问别人什么时间,可以说:

a. what’s a timeb. what’s the time?

8( )通过别人的回答,你弄明白了,你应说:

a. oh, i seeb. thank you.

9( )你想知道在那边的女人是谁,问:

a. who’s this woman? b. who’s that woman?

10( )你想问helen书包里有什么?你会说:

a. what’s in the school bag? b. what’s that in english?

五、从 b栏中选出a栏的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分)

ab )1. what’s the time nowa. ok. let’s go.

)2. shall we watch tvb. no,time to go to bed.

)3. it’s time to go to the zooc. it’s ten.

)4. what’s seven plus threed. it’s ten o’clock.

)5. this is your grandmother, i think. e. no, she isn’t.

六、用1 2 3…给下列句子排序,组成一段通顺的对话。 (12分)

1 )hi, helen.

)hi yang ling. this is my brother, mike.

)she is my aunt, mrs. black.

)nice to meet you.

)no, she isn’t.

)is she your mother.

)nice to meet you, too.

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