
发布 2022-05-16 01:32:28 阅读 6998


一、 听单词,选择相应的**,在括号里标号。(每小题听2遍,共12分)。



a. black b. yellow c. pink d. brown e. white f. blue

四、 听对话,标号。根据你所听到的对话,给下列**标号。(每小题听三遍,共20分。)

五、 找出每组三个中与其它两个不同类的单词或词组,将其代号填在题前的括号里。(共10分。)

) 1. a. body b. mouse c. mouth

) 2. a. red b. squirrel c. monkey

) 3. a. cake b. chicken c. can

) 4. a. dog b. doll c. ball

) 5. a. coffee b. cool c. great

) 6. a. crayon b. canada c. sharpener

) 7. a. prc b. wto c. usa

) 8. a. eight b. bread c seven

) 9. a. go to school b. go to the zoo c. very well

) 10. a. welcome b. morning c. afternoon .

六、 看图,选词。将单词前的字母代号a --j填在相应部位的方框里。(共20分)

a. head b. ear c.

eye d. finger e. mouth f.

hand g. foot h . leg i.

body j. arm

七、 看图,连线。(共20分)

a. this is for you.

thank you .

b. goodbye, sarah.

see you !

c. i h**e a cat.

really? may i h**e a look?

sure. here you are.

d. how many cars?


e. h**e some coke.

no, thanks. i like juice.


1.eye 2. panda 3. hot dog 4. bird 6. hand

9. milk 10. plane 12. doll

二听两遍。the cake2. show me 7and 8.

some like a rabbit

5. show me your your ear.


1. it’s a yellow duck2. color the bear brown.

3. the dog is black4. color the pig pink.

5. the mouse is blue6. it ’s a white elephant.


1. hi2. goodbye, mom.


3. i like bread4. how old are you zoom?

i like hamburgeri’m 5.

5. i h**e a pencil6. how many balloons?

i h**e a bookfour.

7. how are you, chen jie8. this is my eye.

fine, thank youthis is my head.

9. i h**e some dolls and balls. 10. open your book, mike.



一。小小翻译官,选出正确的译文。15分。i m liu tao.a.不,我不是。afternoon.b.你好,我叫刘涛。you su hai?c.你好,杨玲。yang ling.d.下午好。i m not.e.你是苏海吗?二。选出下列各句的应答句。21分。1.hi a.yes,i amb.hi 2....


2011年爱未来家教暑期辅导质量检测 楚州分校 总分100,60分钟 班级 姓名 分数 听力部分。一选出你听到的字母 10 1.a b b c c q 2.a a b y c d 3.a c b i c o 4.a f b g c h 5.a m b o c v 6.a x b u c y 7.a ...

英语试卷 三年级

2009 2010学年度第一学期期末考试试卷。三年级英语科。一 小朋友,你认为哪一组的排列顺序正确,请把需要填在题前括号内。14分 1 a b,a,c b a,b,c c c,a,b 2 a o,p,q b p,q,o c q,o,p 3 a r,s,t b s,t,r c t,r,s 4 a f,...