
发布 2020-05-19 03:58:28 阅读 8337

2019学年七年级12月份学情检测英语试卷 2019.12


温馨提示:亲爱的同学,希望你在这次测评中,能够展示自己的水平,看到今后努力的方向。细节决定成败,圈圈点点,分分尽显其中!good luck!



)1. how is the weather today?

a. sunnyb. rainyc. snowy.

)2. where does tony’s father work?

a. on a busb. in a factoryc. in a hospital

)3. when do they usually h**e english lesson on monday?

a. 8 o’clockb. 8:30c.10 o’clock.

)4. what is linda doing now?

a. cleaning her room b. washing her car c. doing her homework

)5. what has lingling’s family got at home?

a. milkb. tomatoesc. chicken



)6. what is sam’s f**ourite food?

a. eggs and carrotsb. tomatoes and fish c. beef and carrots

)7. whose birthday is it today?

a. betty’sb. sam’sc. dad’s


)8. where is lisa’s classroom?

a. it’s on the right of the teachers’ office b. it’s on the left of the teachers’ office

c. it’s in front of the teachers’ office

)9. how many students are there in lisa’s class?

a.30b.40c. 50

)10. what’s on the teacher’s desk?

computer and a book b. some flowers c. a computer and some flowers


)11. what’s the weather like today?

a. windyb. cloudy c. warm

)12. how old is li ping?

a.10b. 15c.13.

)13. li ping and her mother go to the shop to buy___

coatb. a bikec. a cake

)14. what does li ping’s father do after lunch?

a. he goes to the zoo. b. he goes to the shop. c. he works on the computer.

)15. what time do they h**e supper?

a. at 6:30b. at 6:20c. at 6:10



i h**e got a good 16 . she is from america. her name is betty.

betty and her family 17 in china now. they eat three meals every day: breakfast, lunch, dinner.

they eat in the 18 . betty likes to eat 19 food. dumplings(饺子) are her f**ourite food.

she likes to eat hamburgers, too. but her mother says, “hamburgers aren’t 20 .”she likes drinking milk.

but there is not 21 milk in the fridge today. there are some 22 and many eggs in it. her 23 f**ourite food is potatoes.

and her father 24 them very much. today they h**en’t got any noodles or rice, 25 they go out to h**e dinner.

) 16. a. girlb. daughter c. friendd. mother

) 17. a. areb. amc.

) 18. a. dining room b. bedroom c. living room d. bathroom

) 19. a. english b. chinesec. americand. french

) 20. a. cheapb. badc. healthyd. big

) 21. a. someb. anyc. muchd. man

) 22. a. fishb. beefc. carrotsd. milk

) 23. a. mother’s b. motherc. father’sd. father

) 24. a. likeb. likesc. like

) 25. a. andb. orc. butd. so

三、阅读理解 (30分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从a、b、c、d四个先项中选出最佳答案。

a) jim’s plan

) 26. when does he has his painting class?

a. on mondayb. on saturdayc. on fridayd. on sunday.

) 27. who does jim do homework with?

a. peterb. annc. simond. nobody.

) 28. what does jim do on tuesday afternoon?

a. he plays footballb. he goes to the party.

c. he studies with peterd. he goes to the computer club.

) 29. why does he go to the taxi rank?

a. to play football. b.

to do homework. c. to paint pictures.

d. to meet ann.

) 30. how long does jim play football a week?

a. for two hours. b. for four hours. c. for three hours. d. for one hour.

bmum gives little tom ten yuan. then little tom goes shopping. he gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman.

then he sees the old woman’s handbag is open. there is ten yuan in it. he quickly looks into his pocket.

the money isn’t here now! little tom is sure that the old woman is a thief(小偷). he decides(决定) to take back the money from the old woman’s bag.

he carefully puts his hand into the old woman’s bag, takes the money and says nothing. suddenly(突然地) the old woman shouts, ‘where is my money? i can’t find it.

there is a thief on the bus.” little tom feels strange(奇怪的). then he sees ten yuan under his seat.

little tom is thinking about a question now, “am i a thief?”


一 单词。1 建立2.季节3.第十二。4.在 之中5 讲演,演说6 接着。7 第二十8.lay 过去式,过去分词。9.we 反身代词10 he 反身代词。二 翻译词组。1 到达2.发表演讲。3.在十七世纪4.丰富的,大量的。5.开始干某事6.太多。7.玩得开心8 在十一月的第四个星期四。9 一年一次...


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