
发布 2020-05-19 02:55:28 阅读 9177



fire hurt must careful smoke hate safety matchburn down(烧毁) (be) careful with(当心….)not…at all(一点也不…) at home(在家) a lot of(许多,大量…) in the forest(在森林里) safety first(安全第一) live in(居住) play with..(玩the stone age(石器时代) cover your mouth(捂住嘴巴) don’t do sth(不要做某事) don’t 其后加动词原形 throw ….


星期二:重点短语及句型 (3+1遍并背诵)

1.用情态动词must 对必须要做及禁止做的事情提出警告或禁止。

we must be careful with fire. (我们必须当心火)

we mustn’t smoke in the forest. (在森林里我们不能吸烟)

we mustn’t play near fires at home . 在家里我们不能在火灾附近玩)

we mustn’t play with matches at home. (在家里我们不能玩火柴)

mustn’t we do in the forest or at home? (在森林里或家里我们不能做什么?)

gives us heat and light. (火给我们热和光)

do not want to eat any meat. (我不想吃一些肉)

do not=don’tsome用于肯定句,any用于否定句或疑问句中。

星期三单项选择。 80页课文写2+1遍并背诵下来。

) can __down a lot of b. burns

( )must be careful___

) in the foresta. mustb. must be

) mustn’t play near fires___home. a. atb.

)5.__play with

) does not taste good___all.

) mustn’t __with matches.


flowers are dancing in the wind轻柔地)

声音)of the wind is too quiet.

使用)water to cook food.

mustn’t吸烟)in the forest.


选词填空。***** happily up too smoke

boy is dancing

want to bein the sky.

wants to make awind-bell.

can hurt people

星期五 1. 阅读理解。

today is saturday. the smiths are at home. mr smith is in the living room.

he is reading a book. mary and jim are in the living room,too. mary is writing a letter.

jim is ****** a kite. tom is in the bedroom. he is playing with his toys.

where is mrs smith? she is in the bathroom. she is washing clothes.

) is __

a a kite. a letter.

) many people are there in the living room?

) jim ****** a plane?

he he isn’ don’t know.

) is in the bedroom?

smith ) is mrs smith?

is in the living is in the kitchen.

is in the bathroom.

2. 82页课文熟读10遍。


五年级英语试卷。上学期第。一 二单元 听音,写字母 大小写 5分 听音,选出你所听到的单词,并将序号填入括号里。8分 1 a chair b hair2 a behind b beside 3 a b photo4 a panda b september 听音,判断下列各组单词加粗部分的发音是否相同...

五年级 上册 12单元

unit 11 12期末复习题。基础篇 一 单词 1.水龙头2.使用。3.蔬菜4.衣服,服装。5.农民6.有用的。7.水珠,滴8.向上,在上面。9.照耀10.在 上方。11.山脉,山12.小山。13.树14.地面。15.在里面16.火,火灾。17.燃烧18.使 受伤。19.必须20.小心的。21.吸...


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