
发布 2020-05-09 03:44:28 阅读 8292






)1 a、7:45 b:15 c:45

)2 a、later b 、faster c 、earlier

)3 ab 、 57c 、 67

)4 a、japanese and english b、english and chinese

c、english and french

)5 a、clean, bright and tidy b、tidy, bright and old

c、clean, light and tidy

)6 a、dogs b、leopards c、horse

)7 a、elephants b、 dinosaurs c、blue whales

)8 a、forty-five kilometers b、ninety-five kilometers

c、eighty-five kilometers

)9 a、faster b、fastestc、slowly

)10 a、later b、latestc、earlier

二听句子三次,判断句子是否与图意相符,如相符写 t,否则写f。(12分)


)1there are forty-five2. i’m going to hong kong tomorrow

( )3. i’d like to tr**el by plane4. no, we don’t .

( )5. yes , it’s much larger6 . i like english better.

( )7. at 8:30 in the morning8. yes , i’d love to.


1. my classroom isand

2. a: whatare you from? b: britain. but i can speak three __

3. a blue whale can be more thanmetres long and __over 150 tons

4. our classroom isthan

5. both janet and xiaoling studybut xiaoling studies __than janet.



7. nice8. tidy

9. cold10. many


1. (the boy usually gets up___seven o’clock.

a. in b. at c. from d. to

2do you get up? at seven o’clock.

a. what colour b. what c. how d. what time

3. (linda __up at 6:30.

a. get b. gets c. getting d. is getting

4. (it’s eight. the pupils __an english lesson now.

a. is h**ing b. h**ing c. are h**ing d. h**ing

5.( i want __buy a doll.

a. for b. to c. of d. on

6.( my sister is two years younger __me.

a. thenb. than c. them d. thin

7.( she practices the piano __half an hour.

a. forb. in c. under d. at

8she need to play the guitar after school.

a. do b. does c. is d. don’t

9.( i am worried __you.

a. about b. in c. for d. of

10.( what’s the matteryou?

a. on b about c with d to

11.( janet __very pale today.

a look b looks c looking

12. (how manyare there in you class?

a pupil b pupils c a pupil

13. (it’s timebed now .

a to b on c for

14. (which do you likefish or duck?

a better b best c good

15.( janet isthan the girl .

a short b shorter c shortest


1、tom gets up lbut jack gets up l than him.

2、jim can jump h . but john can jump h than him.

3、rose has mapples. but kate has mapples than her.

4、a:d the boy s eb: yes,he d


1、what time do you go to bed every night?

2、is your mother older than your father?

3、which is bigger, a blue whale or dinosaur?

4、do you get up earlier than your father?

5、what do you like to drink, coke or milk?


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