
发布 2020-05-08 23:20:28 阅读 2800


一、 单词归类复习:

1)、方位:in 在…里面;on在…上面;beside 在…的旁边;behind 在…的后面;near 附近;

2)、反义词:tall-short, long-short, big-small; open-close, sit down-stand up, put on-take off, turn on-turn off,3)、月份:july, august, september, october;

4)、节日:teachers’ day, national day

5)、时间:today, tomorrow, yesterday;

6)、星期:monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday;

7)、国家:australia, china, usa, england, uk;



with,pupil,long,hair,where,there,cook,look,panda,lovely,kind,*****,photo,picture,smile,holiday,uncle,tell,find,cinema,glasses,film,afraid,welcome,museum,chess,player,come on.

二、词组:with a basketball,behind the door ,ride a bike,near the window,in the classroom,in the sitting room,beside thetree,reading a book, draw a picture,make flowers,watch tv,watch a 3d film,do my homework,take a photo,put on your glasses,go的词组:go to taiwan; go to wuyishan,go by train ,go boating,go to the library,go to the computer room, go to the cinema,go to the science museum,go to the park\zoo,交通工具:

by plane,by train, by ship,by bus ,by car,by motorcycle,by bike(ride a bike),on foot;

play的词组:play football,play basketball,play chess,play the violin,play in the park,

三、 句型。

1·—who’sthat boy?(那个男孩是谁?)

which boy?(哪个男孩?)

the tall boy beside wang tao.(王涛旁边的那个高个子男孩。)

that’s a new pupil.(那是彼得,一位新来的学生。)

2·the girl with short hair.(短头发的那个女孩。)

3·he is from australia.(他来自澳大利亚。)

4·come and play basketball with us.(来和我们一起打篮球吧。)

5·but i like to watch you play.(但是我喜欢看你们打篮球。)

6·it`s september 10th tomorrow.(明天是9月10日。)

7·i want to give it to miss gao.(我要把它送给高老师。)

8·she’s very kind.(她非常和蔼可亲。)

9·he’s very good at sports.( 他体育运动方面非常好。)

10·—national day is coming.(国庆节就要到了。)

will you go for a holiday?(你会去假吗?)

yes,i will.\no, i won’t.(是的,我会去。\不,我不会去。)

11·—where will you go ?(你将去哪儿?)

i’ll go to taiwan.( 我将去台湾。)

12·—how is the weather in taiwan?(台湾天气怎样?)

please tell me about it.(请告诉我吧。)

13·can we go to the cinema?(我们可以去看电影吗?)

14·sit down,kids


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