
发布 2020-05-06 19:17:28 阅读 6117



) 星期二 b.星期四 c.星期五。

)做家庭作业 b.看电视 c.看书。

)星期一 b.星期三 c.星期日。

)星期一看书 b.星期三踢足球 c.星期六打乒乓球。

) 星期二数学 b.星期三** c.星期五英语。



1. what day is it today? it’s

2. what do we do onwe h**e chinese, english, math and music.

3. how many __are there in a week? there are

4. what day do you like ? i like __





) b. tomorrow c. flower

) d. clock

)5. c. class

二、 选择题。(15分)

)1.__is it today? -it’s monday. a. what b. what day c. what time

)2today is friday.

time is it? colour is it ? day is it?

)3. _do we h**e on mondays? -we h**e on mondays.

a. what b. who c. what’s

)4. what do you do __tuesdays? a. in b. on c. under

)5we h**e math on mondays.

a. what day is it today? b. what do you do on mondays?

c. what do we h**e on mondays?

)6. i __mondays . a. like b. likes c. am

)7. jhon __thursdays. a. likes b. like c. is

)8. -today is fridays. -tomorrow is __

a. thursday b. saturday c. sunday

)9. mother’s day is __sunday in may.

a. the first b. the second c. second

)10. let __see. a. i b. my c. me

)11.—i often __books on mondays. a. do b. read c. watch

)12. _is the first day in a week.

a. monday b. sunday c. saturday

)13.—it’s time __get up. a. to b. for c. \

) often go to school from __to friday.

a. tuesday b. monday c. sunday

)15. _is the third sunday in june.

a. father’s day b. mother’s day c. children’s day


1、今天星期几is it


3、星期四,你上什么课?what __youthursdays?

4、我们星期四上英语、数学和科学。we h**e___and science on___


1. what, today, it, is, day?(连词成句)

2. h**e, what, you, on, friday, do ?

连词成句)3. homework, do, too, i, my

4. what day does john like ?(用wednesday 回答)

hethursday today.(划线部分提问)


)it’s friday.

)we h**e english, math and science on like friday .

)what day is it today ?

)me too.

)what do you h**e on friday ?

)what about you ?


it’s seven o’clock in the morning. i get up and make the bed. i go to school at eight o’clock .

it is monday . we h**e english, math, art and chinese in the morning . in the afternoon we do sports.

i like ping-pong . i often read books in the evening .

1. what time is it

2. what day is it today

3. what do we h**e in the morning

4. what do you do in the afternoon



2、watch tv


4、i often play ping-pong on saturdays

5、we h**e art and music on wednesdays

二、1. what do you h**e on monday ? we h**e math, music and computer .

2. what do you h**e on tuesday ? we h**e chinese, english, art and

3. what do you h**e on wednesday ? we h**e chinese, english and science.

4. what do you h**e on thursday ? we h**e english and science and computer

5. what do you h**e on friday ? we h**e chinese ,math, art and

三、1. what day is it today ? it’s wednesday .

2. what do you do on friday ?we h**e chinese,english ,math and music.


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