
发布 2020-05-06 17:58:28 阅读 4420



picture(同义词do (过去式。








right(同音词) (反义词they(物主代词。

buy(过去式many(同义词went(原形too(同音词big(比较级回家 (go home )

在邮局(at the post office)

寄一封电子邮件(send an e-mail到达北京(arrive in beijing)

给家人写信(writing home照** take a picture

top (对应词)__hurt(过去式)__woman(复数形式)__know(同音词)_ fall(现在分词man(复数twelve(序数词) _sun(形容词smile(近义词be careful_当心。


1、当你想问“现在几点了”时,应该说:what time is it ?

2、当你想买一张邮票,询问一张邮票多少钱时,应该说:how much is a stamp?


how is the weather in minle now?


excuse me ,where is the post office?

5、当你想为别人拍张**时,应该说:may i take your picture ?

6、当想问别人想吃点什么时,应该说:what would you like to eat ?

7、当别人问would you like some ……应该回答:yes,please.\

8、问你的地址在哪 what’s your address

9、介绍**一般用: this is __at the _

10、问怎么啦?发生什么事了?what happened?


1、i can see some people on the square.(对划线部分提问)

2、may father is a teacher .(改为一般疑问句)

3、can danny fly a kite ?(做否定回答)

4、the gril is singing a song .(对划线部分提问。

5、i can help you .(改为一般疑问句)

6、flying a kite isn’t easy (改为同义句)

7、it’s mr. li. (划线部分提问)

is it ?

8、would you like some tea? (否定回答)

9、jenny and li ming are children. (变成一般疑问句)

___jenny and li ming

10、i like fish. (变成否定句)


11、can you play cards? (作出肯定回答)


this postcarda little monkey it.


)1、would you like __to the park ?

a、go b、going c、to go d、went

)2、there __a pen and two books on the desk .

a、is b、are c、was d、were

)3、the students are __games in the classroon .

a、play b、playing c、to play d、dong

)4、we __to tian’an men square yesterday .

a、go b、going c、went d、walk

)5、i’m __good friend .

a、you b、your c、yours d、you’s

)6、the car is __than the bike .

a、fast b、faster c、very faster d、too fast

)7、i like __to wangfujing to buy gifts .

a、go b、goes c、going d、went

) 8、 did you go to the parkbus.

a、 buy b、 by c 、 on

9 what would you like --

a、eat b、to drink c 、drink

) 10. _sing . the boy is sleeping.

a. not b. no c. don’t

) 11、we need tickets __shijiazhang __beijing.

a. from, on . b. to , from c. from , to

) 12、is li ming __or __stand b. siting, standing

c. sitting, stand d. sitting, standing


1、would you likesome ) tea ?

2、look! there __be) a pen on the desk .

3、this man is __liming ) father .

4、the girl is __sing) a song now .

5、may i h**e some __banana),please .

6、__i) pop is in my stomach.

7、this is __baby).this is _ envelope)

8、the bus is __quick) it goes __quick)

9、iwant___h**e)some fruit

10、“who is hungry? _ask)liming.

11、jennyand liming (be)__slow.


组词。毯 渲 勒 吟 迂 襟 蹄 貌 拘 羞 涩 跤 偏 涯 晰 伞 抚 绍 疆 陷 牧 蓑 遮 醉 媚 锄 剥 毡 卸 咀 嚼 漠 寞 袄 袍 傻 胚 祸 患 臂 赋 淘 妨 岂 痴 绞 汁 厘 愧 亏 梁 惠 诣 乃 禽 侮 辱 谎 敝 矩 囚 嘻 臣 淮 柑 橘 枳 贼 赔 妮 役 硝 炭 谊...


练习二。一 填空。1 千克表示把1千克平均分成 份,取这样的 份,是1千克的 也表示把 千克平均分成 份,取出这样的1份,既7千克的 2 如果a是b的倍数,那么它们的最大公因数是 最小公倍数 3 如果a b是互质数,那么它们的最大公因数是 最小公倍数 4 小丽看一本150页的书,已经看了60页,看了...


五年级下册。八 九 十单元测试。一 填空。小太阳之家 1 一个数加上10,再乘10,然后减去10,最后除以10,得10,这个数是 2 小明在做一道加法题时,错把一个加数个位上的3看作8,把另一个加数十位上的9看成了6,得。出结果是120。正确的结果应是 3 甲乙两个同学一共有150张邮票,如果甲给乙...