
发布 2020-05-06 09:23:28 阅读 6840

一、 将下列谚语英译中。10%

1. it is never too late to mend.

2. never too old to learn.

3. money makes the mare go.

4. one man, no man.

5. let’s le**e it to chance.

二、 将下列谚语中译英 。10%

1. 船到桥头自然直。

2. 不能以貌取人。

3. 三思而后行。

4. 孰能生巧。

5. 东好,西好,不如家好。

三、 判读正误(对的“t”,错的“f”) 10% (原)

louie is an englishman. he is a teacher. he teaches english in ncs in jinhua.

he likes teaching a lot. he goes to work by school bus every morning. he speaks english in class.

he likes students very much. and his students love him, too. they are good friends.

)1. louie is canadian.

)2. he likes teaching very much.

)3. he goes to work by bike every morning.

)4. he speaks chinese in class.

)5. he likes his students very much.

四、 完型填空 20% (原)

the double ninth festival is a traditional __1__festival. it usually comes in__2__.on this day, people usually go on an outing or climb___3__.

sometimes they go to see __4__shows. people eat double ninth __5__at this festival. the cakes are__6___it is also a festival for _7_people.

on this day, people go to see their parents and__8___many students visit old people in old people’s homes. they get __9__and h**e a good __10___

1. a. chinese b. englishc. american

2 a. march b. aprilc. october

3. a . mountains b. gardenc. fish

4. a . grass b. flowerc. le**e

5. a. chicken b. cakesc. apples

6. a. sweet and nice b. salty and sour c. healthy

7. a .oldb. funnyc. young

8. b. grandmother c. grandparents

9. a. together b. readyc. to

10. foodc. music

五、 五、正确排列字母顺序,写在横线上 10%(原)

this is a __cuerpit). what can you see? you can see a __illh) in it.

on the hill there are green __eerts). behind the trees there is a small___huoes). there is a river near the hill.

there are two boys in a __taob)in the river. how happy they are!

六 、阅读短文,选择正确的答案 10%

one day tom tells his friends, “i’m going to h**e holidays in beijing. but i can’t speak chinese, so i’m going to h**e evening classes and h**e chinese lessons there for a month.” after he comes back from china, his friends ask him, “do you h**e any trouble with your chinese when you are in beijing, tom?

” no, i don’t.” answers tom, “but the chinese do!”

)1. tombeijing.

a. lives in b. is going to c. stays in d. comes to

)2. tomchinese for a month.

a. studies b. is a c. meets d. looks for

)3. tomchina very happily.

a. lives in b. is in c. goes to d. comes back from

)4. tomtrouble with his chinese in china.

a. has some b. does h**e any c. has no d. can understand

)5. “but the chinese do.” means

a.the chinese people h**e trouble with my chinese.

b. the chinese people don’t understand chinese.

c. tom’s chinese good. people can understand him easily.

d. the chinese know themselves.

七、阅读理解找座位 20%

six children go to the cinema to see a new film. the film is about animals. their seats numbers are 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e and 5f.

they sit in the same row. mingming doesn’t sit next to john. he sits next to sue.

helen sits between sam and john. sam sits in sits on the left of mingming. which seats do they sit in?

八、读短文,填空 10% (改编)

it was saturday. joe was doing his homework. he read a book-the biggest pizza.

the book was about a famous cook named mr smith. joe had to write a book report(读后感)about it. joe wrote his book report very carefully,because his teacher said,” the best report wins a special prize.

” the next, joe won the first prize. what was the special prize? mr smith came in with a big pizza.

all the students were happy and excited.

1. it wasa. saturday b sunday c. monday

2. what was mr smith’s job? a. teacher

3. what was the special prize

4. who won the special prize

5. how did the students feel








1. in the end things will mend.

2. don’t judge a person by its cover.

3. think twice before you do.

4. practice makes perfect.

5. east, west, home is the best.


四、完型填空 20%

1-5 acabb 6-10 aacaa

五、正确排列字母顺序,写在横线上 10%



八、读短文,填空 10%

1. a 2. c

3. a big pizza

4. joe

5. they feel happy and excited。


2014 2015学年度上学期。小学五年级课外阅读测试卷。1 填空题 30分 1.城南旧事 这本书是 写的,这本书主要写了她 时候的故事。2.主人公小英子最喜欢吃 3.秀贞的 小桂子 背上有一块 4.我们去看海 中的把皮球踢掉的是 5.森林报 这部名著是 国名 著名科普作家 的代表作,分四册。作者用...


一 请将下列成语补充完整并按要求填空。12分 魏 赵开 有不 无鸣 盗破竹多事 它山 脱 而 砖 玉 极生 围魏救赵 是三十六计中的一计。你还知道三十六计中的哪些计策?二 请将诗句与相应的作者 诗题连线。4分 绿满山原白满川一枝红杏出墙来杨万里。接天莲叶无穷碧子规声里雨如烟叶绍翁楚天千里清秋万紫千红...


丁丁的爸爸是搞科研工作的,他常有各种小小的发明。这不,他又发明了一种会唱歌的鞋,那鞋只要受到脚臭味的刺激就会唱歌 懒孩子快洗脚,臭气熏人受不了。这歌声总是由弱转强,由小到大,大到像在脚上安了个大喇叭。爸爸想让会唱歌的鞋帮助丁丁克服不洗脚的坏习惯。这天,丁丁他们小队到街上宣传卫生,丁丁正要给过往行人说...