
发布 2020-05-06 06:54:28 阅读 2237




)1. a. curtain b. mountain

2. a. robot b. rabbit c. closet

3. room b .bathroom

4. a. helpful

5. a. close c. clock

6. a. trash b. track c. trash bin

7. a. wash b. what c .watch

8. a. sweet

9. a. i can make the bed .

b. i can set the table .

c. i often make the bed .

10. a. there is a bed in my room .

is a bed and a closet in my room .

c. there isn’t a closet in my room .


are two bedrooms and a kitchen

8. i can’t sweep the floor

9. chen jie is very helpful at home

are blue curtains in my room


1, a . i can clean the window .

b . i h**e art class .

c. i am hungry.

2, a. yes, you can. b. yes, i can .

c. no, i don’t .

3, a. no, i can’t .

b. yes, i do .

c. no, i am not .

4, a. she can make the bed .

b. she likes tofu.

c. she’ s quiet .

5, a. i like my room .

b. there is a big bed in my room .

c. yes, this is my new room .


1is ain my room .

2. myis small and

3. i canthe

4. can youa

5. myis very


1. i often read books and do sports on the weekends.

2. i can play football .

3. i am good at english .

4. i can not speak chinese .

5. i can’t play ping-pong .


amymike ?

mike: yes, i am . i often do housework .

amymike: i can cook the meals and set the table .

amymike: yes, i can. how about you ?

amyi like cooking the meals .

mike: you are helpful, too .

amya. thank you .

b. can you do the dishes ?

c. i can cook the meals .

d. no, i am not .

e. what can you do?

f. i can wash the clothes .

g. are you helpful at home?


my name is peter. i h**e a happy family. we h**e a new flat.

we share the housework. my father can cook the meals from mondays to thursdays . my mother can cook the meals from fridays to sundays.

i can put away the clothes everyday. my little brother can empty the trash everyday , too. we are helpful.

1. who does the housework in my family ?

a. my father and mother .

b. my father, mother , my little brother and me .

2. what can my little brother do?

a. he can put away the clothes.

b. he can empty the trash

3. when can my father cook the meals ?

a. from mondays to thursdays .

b. from fridays to sundays .

4. can i put away the clothes on the weekends?

a. yes, i can. b. no, i can’t .

5. do i love my family?

a. yes, i dob. no, i don’t.


(a, picture, small, big, on , curtains, nice, room, an, window, like ,near )

look, this is aof my room. it’s notbutthere is abed in the middle of mythere isair-conditionerthe wall. there are blueand a bigimy room very much .

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