
发布 2020-04-29 21:33:28 阅读 6400






) 1. she'd like to h**efor lunch.

abc. ) 2. you can see thein the room.

abc. ) 3. she likes

abc. ) 4. tom is

abc. ) 5. she goes to school

a. by busb. on footc. by bike

) 6. the cinema isthe bookstore.

a. nearb. far from c. not near

六年级英语模拟试卷(一) 第1页共4页】

) 7. her mother is a

a. doctorb. teacherc. cleaner

) 8. she isthan him.

a. shorterb. tallerc. 155 cm taller

) 9. the girl looks

a. happyb. tiredc. sad

) 10. there arein the nature park.

a. pandasb. elephants c. tigers


1. we oftenat six.

2. theis next to the bus

3. they arefootball in the

4. the elephant'sisthan yours.

5. wesongs and had atime last night.


一) 听第一段对话,完成1-2小题。

) 1. li pin iskg.

a. 50b. 40c. 60

) 2. li pin iskg he**ier than wei ming.

a. 5b. 10c. 20

二) 听第二段对话,完成3-5小题。

) 3. john doesn't look well today because he

a. has a toothache b. failed the exam c. has a cold

) 4. ityesterday.

a. was sunny b. was windyc. was rainy

) 5. john saw the doctor

a. last week b. todayc. yesterday


) 1. a. dayb. cakec. sad

) 2. a. seeb. deskc. meat

) 3. a. kiteb. swimc. sit

) 4. a. hotb. homec. coat

) 5. a. useb. computerc. bus

六年级英语模拟试卷(一) 第2页共4页】


) 1. this isenglish book.

a. ab. anc. the

) 2. my fathera driver.

a. h**eb. isc. are

) 3. can youenglish?

a. writeb. writesc. writing

) 4. my mother often goes to workbus.

a. inb. onc. by

) 5. theresome tomatoes on the table.

a. areb. isc. h**e

) 6. how manycan you see?

a. shipb. shipsc. shipes

) 7. ais your sister? b: she's in the study.

a. whereb. whatc. how

) 8. a: do you see wu dong? b: yes. hein the library.

a. readb. readsc. is reading

) 9. li ming and iping-pong tomorrow.

a. are going to play b. am playingc. play

) 10. li mingping-pong yesterday afternoon.

a. playb. playedc. plays


1. lunch, what, h**e, you, do, for

2. dishes, is, doing, she, the

3. work, your, does, where, mother

4. you, am, taller, than, i

5. you, last night, did, where, go


) 1. who's your music teachera. by bike.

) 2. what's your f**ourite sport? b. miss li is.

) 3. what is your brother doing? c. it's near the park.


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