
发布 2020-04-10 20:29:28 阅读 7817


例如:i am a student. (i 主语)

please help me. (me 直接宾语)

give me a book. (me 间接宾语)



如:this is my book.


如:1. your pen is red. mine is black. 你的钢笔是红色的,我的是黑色的。

2. he didn’t use his ink. he used mine. 他没有用他自己的墨水,他用了我的。

3. that book is hers, not yours. 那本书是她的,不是你的。

英语代词选择填空1.he isour/ours) english teachername is sam(男人名).

2. jane (女人名) is my friend. she has got long hair. _hair is yellow.

butmy/mine) is black.

3mine/my) dog is white .buther/hers) is black.

4.--whose computer is it ? is it your father’s ? no,it’s not___

it’s my mother’s. -oh, it’sit’s

5. -lookcar is it ? is ityour/yours) ?

noour/ours) car is old (旧的).-it’stheir/theirs) caris new.


1.--are theseyou) pencils?--yes ,they areour).

2. –whose pencil is this ?—it’si ).

isi ) friend.

li often look after (照顾she) brother.

5.—are thesethey) bags ?

-no,they aren’ttheir). they are___we) .aren’t

bike is my sister’s . it is___she).

isn’t___i ) bookmy) is in the bag. (isn’t


this isn’t___knifeis green. (she)

1. these are your books, kate. put___in de desk,please. (they)

2. _must look after (照顾)__things. (you )

3. wei fang, is that___ruler ? yes, it’s . you)

4. they want(想要) a football . give___the green one. please. (they)

5. it’s lin tao’s bag . give it tohe)

6. is this pencil-box li lei’s ? no,__is very(非常) new.(he)

7. this box is too he**y(很重). i can’t carry(携带)__it) (can’t

don’t worry ,let___i ) helpyou)

9. _is a boy. _name is mike(男人名). mike’s friends like___very much(非常). he)

10. my sister is in___room. _is a teacher. (she)

11. jane is a little girl . mother is a nurse(**). she)

12. we are in___classroom. _classroom is bag. (we)

13. my father and mother are teachers. _are busy(繁忙). them)

14. you are a pupil(儿童). is___brother a pupil , too ? you)

15. i ate(eat的过去分词) all___sandwiches yesterday. (i) can i h**e one of___they)

16. jack(男人名) has a dog and so h**e i(我也有一只he)dog and___i) had a fight(打架).

17. george(男人名)has lost(丢失了)__his) pen. ask mary(女人名) if (是否)she will lend(借) him___she)

18. the teacher wants you to return that book ofhe)

19. mr and mrs. green(男人名)and a friend of___are coming to see us. (they)

20. we are going to paris(巴黎) to stay with a french(法国) friend of___we).


1.__她)is a student她)sister is a student too.

2我)want___你) to do it today.

3他)brother is a worker(工人are twins(他们).

4你们)are english我们)are chinese.


is___我)book. that is___你).

pens are___他们)._你们)are over there(在那边).


白鹿原读后感 五年级作文。篇一 读 白鹿原 有感。10多年前我是怀着激动的心情拜读的陈忠实先生的大作 白鹿原 看完后我认为那是中国1949年以来最好的 了。这么多年过去我依然这样认为,每每回味起来都感觉荡气回肠。几个月以前就传出根据这部 改编的同名电影要在九月十三日上映,我心里充满期待,一直数着日子...




为了同学们养成良好的作业书写习惯,因此对同学们的作业提出以下要求 1 写作业的时候,必须坐姿端正,符合三个一 一拳 一尺 一寸 2 写作业的时候,必须左手按住薄面,左胳膊同时压住边角,防止翘起 凡是边角翘起的作业,老师一律不批改,发回去抹平后再交到办公室批阅。3 发现写错了,是铅笔写的 语文 练习册...