
发布 2020-04-05 03:00:28 阅读 5136


二、kind young funny strict三、c a b b cp2

四、kind young strict old strict art funny

五、or短的ar or工作努力的e er聪明的e u愿意帮忙的oi e礼貌的ou年轻的。

六、mychineseteacherisxx(语文老师名),she(he)英语老师姓的第一个字母),she(he)is young.

七、our what's is do she'sp3

八、tall strict kind funny old kind画略。

一、星期一星期四星期五星期六周末星期三二、ee ee ea ea ea ea ee ea ee三。




room=bedroom +room=bathroomp4


四、b a a b b c a c c a

五、xxx(自己名)x(所在班级)x(所在年级) short shy funny画略。

六、friday tall strong chinese class watch tvp6

一、第一图√第二图√第一图√ 第二图√p7

二、a o o e o o ee ea ea ea ee

三、picture hare wednesdays chinese english pe funny dograndpa cookingp8四、

1=d 2=e 3=a 4=b 5=c五、d b a c e

六、tall thin read books on like dop9

一、× x x x √

二、o辣的ee甜的i e ea冰激凌e新鲜的a a沙拉e a茶三、b b a b ap10四、47629


五、she's helpful. i play ping-pong. i like sandwich. hecan

六、星期四你有什么课?你的**老师是谁?我非常喜欢这个公园。吴一凡常常在周末看电视。七、课程表略一、x x x x x

二、 salad wash do fresh smart sweetp12

三、i watch tv on sundays. i read books and do houseworkon tuesdays. iwash my clothes on fridays.

四、a a b b b

五、stric short tall delicious healthyp13

六、father tomato healthymother eggplant deliciousgrandfather sandwich delicious七、c a d b

一、hard-working polike wednesday thurday read books do


homework salad ice cream

二、ar车ow弓er水ar卡片ow窗户ar臂er花ow现在三、i am she is he is what is who is you are

四、 buses

五、am is is is is is are arep15

六、what is she like ?what is your f**ourite?i'd like some is your f**ourite?

i don/t like chicken.七、c a d f e bp16

一、sing do do play .cndraw play play speak二、21453三、11america

english,because it's fun.

tomatoes,because he thinks thry're healthy for him.


xxx自己名11 china english fun tomato sweet xxx自己名p17四、bcaaa五、cabedp18一、x√√x二、abaab三、can you docan do dishesday it todayi make bedyou wash clothesp19

四、clockbottle bike plant hamburger footballswimphoto五、cedbafp20

一、monday tuesday wednesday fridayrainy wait paint rainbow

二、apple banana on ball under many thing room hat on thedeskp21


三、h**e are are has is四、a b b c c ap22

there is a bed ,a clock, a tv.一、

1=1 2=4 3=2 4=3 5=5p23二、

ee画树i e河ou房子a e湖i高山e t森林三、cabbcb四、画图略p24

五、bike photos bottles beside behind六、ftttfp26

二、mouse house sound count aboutcow down wow flower三、cedabfp27

四、lake tree bridge house mountain flower



七、are there any animals?let us go boating.

there is a like neae the father can draw very

一、lake hour tenth here man house二、is are are are is三、any any some some some四、funny strict kinddance draw swimfriday tuesday mondaywe they you

forest building bridgep30

五、tea sunny forest dance ice cream sandwichp31一、baaab

二、house buildings behind beautiful tea


三、dcbbacba四、e f a d b h c gp33

cartoon**forest森林bridge桥fresh新鲜的sweet甜的young年轻的一、ontaineaaladlay the pipaash my clothesp34

二、cbabb ccaba三、young kindbig kite

in front of the buildingfresh healthyplay the pipap34

四、1=e 2=d 3=c 4=b 5=a五、cabbaacbbcp36

六、there isare yes ,there yes ,there yes ,there no,there isn't.

are there any houses in thy village?七、fftft


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