
发布 2020-04-04 14:44:28 阅读 9893


unit 1掌握时间: 检查人:

unit 3掌握时间: 检查人:

unit 6掌握时间: 检查人:

所有内容开学初会在早、午自习时听、默写,请家长认真监督孩子完成! 祝大家寒假愉快!




1. mr. webb

tokyo2. mrs. webb

paris3. janet

rome4. ben



1. ben would like to go tojapan / rome).

2. mrs. webb thinks tokyo is agood / bad) place to visit.

3. paris ismore beautiful / more interesting) than tokyo.

4. mrs. webb thinks tokyo ismore crowded / more interesting) than paris.

5. mr. webb would like to go to acolder / warmer) place.

6. mr. web thinks rome iscolder / warmer) than paris.

7. mrs. webb thinks paris and rome are soquiet and clean / noisy and crowded).

8. wellington isnoisier / quieter) than the other cities.

9. mrs. webb would like to go totokyo / wellington).

10. ben thinks wellington isinteresting / boring).

11. wellington isbusier / cleaner) than tokyo.

12. they decided (决定) to go toshanghai / beijing) at last.


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page 1 第一页 设计一份假期时间表。每周从星期一到星期天的作息安排,安排好后请同学们认真执行,也可视情况自行修改 page 2 第二页 为你喜欢的朋友 长辈或老师做一张英语新年贺卡,并将样式设计画在本页。page 3 第三页 我的抄写和预习。在这一页上抄写五年级下册unit1 并试着背下来 认...