
发布 2020-04-04 14:20:28 阅读 8237

同学们:经过一个学期紧张的学习, 你的英语是否有所提高呢, 你在享受寒假快乐时光的同学, 可不要忘记对英语的学习呀。




请同学们根据每一部分的要求, 认真完成作业!在完成作业的同时,你也可以阅读你感兴趣的绘本故事, 开学后讲给老师和同学听。

h**e a nice holiday!






l ong ago, there were three goats named big, middle, and small.

like all goats, they loved grass, and they were always hungry for more.

one day, small said, “look over there, across the river!”

the goats looked. they saw a big, green hill.

that hill is so green!” said middle.

it must be covered with tasty grass.”

that grass will make a fine lunch,”

said big. “let’s go there now!”

the goats reached the edge of the river.

they saw a sign. it said:

warning! troll bridge! do not cross!

i don’t like trolls!” said small.

neither do i!” said middle.

don’t worry,” said big. he pointed under the bridge. “look! we are

three smart goats, and i see only one little troll. we can get across that bridge.”

small went first. as he trotted across the bridge, his small feet made a small sound.




the troll woke up. “who is crossing my bridge?” he yelled.

it’s only me!” said small. “i want some fresh grass to eat. please let me go across.”

no one may cross!” cried the troll.

if you try, i will gobble you up!”

the little goat stopped to think.

please don’t do that,” said small. “i am very small and thin. wait for my sister.

she is bigger. you will find her much more tasty.”

well,” said the troll. “all right then. now run away before i change my mind!”

so small ran across the bridge.

next came middle. as she trotted across the bridge, her middle-sized feet made a

middle-sized sound.




who is crossing my bridge?” yelled the troll.

it’s only me!” said the goat. “i want some fresh grass to eat. please let me go across.”

no one may cross!” cried the troll. “if you“no one may cross!

” cried the troll. “if you try to cross my bridge, i will gobble you up!”

please don’t do that,” said middle. “wait for my brother. he is very big, and he will make a much more tasty meal.

”well,” said the troll. “all right then.

now run away before i change my mind!”

so middle ran across the bridge.

then came big. as he trotted across the bridge, his very big feet made a

very big sound.




who is crossing my bridge?” yelled the troll.

it’s only me!” said the goat. “i want some fresh grass to eat. please let me go across.”

the troll climbed up the bridge.

he saw big. this goat was very big,just as middle had said.

if you try to cross my bridge, i will gobble you up!” cried the troll.

i am very hungry, and you will make a very nice lunch.”

no, i won’t,” said big. “i am bigger than you, and i’m going to throw you

into the river.” with that, big put his head down.

then he began to run. he ran right into the troll and pushed him off the bridge.

the troll fell into the river.

then, big crossed the bridge. he joined middle and small on the hill.

they all felt very smart, and they had a lovely lunch of fresh, green grass.


3.给你留下印象最深的场景配图(要求16k纸上,并配有语言文字(in english))


class 班级name 姓名。一 完成 寒假时空 上面的英语题目。二 完成 每周一练 三 英语录音。录音说明 将自己读得最好的一段英语录下来 内容可以是英语书本上的,也可以是课外的英语故事等 可以是电脑录音,也可以磁带录音。电脑录音请将录音文件发至邮箱 磁带录音的,下学期开学交至英语老师处,别忘记...


一 争做英文朗诵家。1.每天跟读课文一个模块并默写,要跟录音的语音 语调 语速一样哦。2.开学后进行课文背诵 表演 默写比赛,相信大家都会很最棒的!二 单词大本营。1.每天两个模块的单词,抄写两遍并听写一遍。2.按动词v.名词n.形容词adj.副词adv.代词pron.介词prep.给所学单词归类并...


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