
发布 2020-04-03 05:06:28 阅读 9798

unit 5. do you h**e a soccer ball?

第2课时(section a 2a-3c)

1. hey, helen, let’s go!


let’s是let us的缩略形式,用于提出建议或征求别人的意见,后接动词原形。构成短语:let sb.

do sth.“让某人做某事”,其中sb.若是代词,则应用宾格形式。

其肯定回答为ok./all right./that sounds good/grat/interesting/..

等;其否定回答可用:sorry,i...no, let’s...

如:-let’s watch tv!让我们看电影吧!

-sorry, i’m busy.对不起,我很忙。

例】( let __go and play soccer.

a. heb. usc. ourd. ours

>点拨:let后接代词的宾格形式。let sb. do sth让某人做某事。


let __he)help you with your chinese.

2. we’re late!我们迟到啦!

名师指津:late为形容词,意为“迟的,晚的,迟到的”,常见的词组有be late for sth.,意为“做某事迟到”。

如:he is always late for school.他上学总是迟到。

例】( is he late __class? -no, he isn’t.

a. tob. forc. ind. at

>点拨:本题考查短语be late for sth.“做某事迟到”。


you are __迟到),wang lin.

play basketball.让我们打篮球吧。


如:play tennis打网球,play the violin拉小提琴。

例】)(do you __tennis? -yes, i do.

a. playb. hasc. play thed. plays


跟踪练习】( do you h**e __soccer ball?

yes, i do. i often play __soccer with my friends.

a. a; theb. ac. /thed. a; a

4. that sounds good.那听起来不错。


如:that music sounds sweet.这**听起来美妙悦耳。

例】( let’s go and play soccer! -ok. _

a. that sounds goodb. i h**e.

c. don’t goodd. i don’t.


跟踪练习】( shall we go and play computer games?

sounds __i love computer games.

a. nob. boringc. goodd. well

第4课时(section b 2a-3c, self check)

1. we play it at school with our friends.我们和朋友们在学校一起踢足球。

名师指津:(1)at school意为“在学校”,为介词短语。(2)with为介词,在句中表示“和…在一起”。

如:i play basketball with my father.我和爸爸一起打篮球。

例】( he often plays tennis __his friends.

a. andb. butc. ord. with

>点拨:本题考查介词with的用法。do sth. with sb.意为“和某人一起做某事”。

跟踪练习】( hey,jim. please play soccer __us. –ok, let’s go.

a. atb. withc. ind. for

2. i love sports, but i don’t play them—i only watch them on tv!我热爱运动,但我不运动,我只在电视上**它们!


如:1)he likes basketball,but he doesn’t like volleyball.他喜欢篮球,但他不喜欢排球。

2)lucy and lily are in the same school.露西和莉莉在同一所学校。(2)play sports指“做运动”,也可以说是“do sports”或“h**e sports”。

(3)on tv意为“在电视上”,其中on是介词,意为“通过…;以…的方式”。如:i know his name on the radio.


例】( she likes sports, but she only watches them __tv.

a. inb. onc. atd. to

>点拨:本题考查介词的用法。on tv意为“在电视上;通过电视”。

跟踪练习】( i think you can learn english __tv.

a. onb. atc. tod. in

3. i like ping-pong.我喜欢乒乓球。

名师指津:like做实意动词,意为“喜欢”。常用短语有:like to do sth./like doing sth.

喜欢做某事”,like sth.“喜欢某物”。

例】( do you like __ping-pong?

a. playsb. playingc. playsd. to playing

>点拨:本题考查like doing sth./to do sth.的用法。like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。

跟踪练习】( i like soccer, but she __basketball.

a. likeb. likesc. likingd. to like

4. it’s easy for me.它对我来说很简单。

名师指津:easy意为“很简单”,她的反义词是difficult。“it’s+形容词+for sb.

(to do sth.)”是一个固定搭配,意为“对某人来说(做某事)是……的”。如:

it’s difficult for him to find the way to the shop.对他来说,找到去商店的路是困难的。

例】( i don’t like ping-pong. it’s difficult __me.

a. tob. forc. atd. with

>点拨:本题考查介词“for”的用法。it’s+形容词+for sb. 中,for 有“对于…来说”之意。

跟踪练习】( i like english very much. it’s __me.

a. difficultb. difficult for c. easy ford. easy to

5. my brother and i are in the same school.我哥哥和我在同一所学校。

名师指津:(1)my brother and i意为“我和我哥哥”。在英语中,当第一人称和第。

二、第三人称同时出现在句首做并列主语时,顺序为“二三一”,也就是先说第二人称,再说第三人称,最后说第一人称。如:jessica and i are good friends.



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