
发布 2020-03-29 07:44:28 阅读 9214

lesson 1 ——lesson 3


a telephone 一部**机 use a telephone 使用**机。

call = ring up = telephone 打** an ip card 一张ip**卡。

come in 进来 a cd 一碟 h**e 有。

teachers’ day 教师节 children’s day 儿童节。

send 送 flower 花 present 礼物。

wait 等待 do some washing =do the washing 洗衣服。

wait a moment = just a moment 等一会儿。

happy birthday! 生日快乐! happy newyear! 新年快乐!


1、向别人借东西时,我们要这么问:may i use your…?

例如:may i use your pen? 我可以借/用你的钢笔吗?

你同意给对方用时要说:certainly.或者sure. (当然可以),也可以说:yes,please.

给对方时说: here you are. (给你)

要是你的东西不能借给对方用,要先说 sorry,再说明原因。


thank you. /thank you very much. /thanks a lot.


that’s ok. /you’re welcome. /that’s all right ./

it’s my pleasere./ my pleasure. /not at all.

3、**铃响了,拿起**时说: hello?(你好),也可以直接告诉对方你是谁 :this is … speaking. (我是… )

4、要找某人时要说:may i speak to … please?(请找…接**,好吗?)

5、在**中问对方是谁时,要说:who’s that ? 或者 who’s calling ?(你是谁?)

也可以问对方: is that … speaking? (你是…吗?)

6、问某人在家时:is … in / at home ? 在家吗?)

7、would you like to do … 你想做… 吗?)

8、good idea! (好主意)

9、see you tomorrow ! 明天见) see you ! 再见)

10、let’s send a present to our teacher.(让我们送份礼物给老师吧。)

11、today is his birthday. i want to say “ happy birthday !”to him .(今天是他的生日,我想对他说生日快乐。)

12、who will you ring up? (你要打**给谁?)

第二课时。lesson 4—— lesson 6


swing 秋千 slide 滑梯 seesaw 跷跷板。

tree 树 building 建筑 library 图书馆。

gym 健身房 playground 操场 computer room 电脑房。

swimming pool 游泳池 teaching building教学楼。

office building 办公楼 school 学校 children 孩子们。

where ** in the middle of 在… 中间。

in 在… 里面 on 在…上面 under 在… 下面。

behind 在… 后面 near 在…附近 next to 在。隔壁。

beside 在…旁边 over there 在那儿 play games 做游戏。

pillow 枕头 vase 花瓶 bed 床。

sleep 睡觉 window 窗户 bookshelf 书架。

room 房间 desk 书桌 book 书本 cat 猫。


1、where is + 单个的人或地点? (在**?)

回答:she / he / it is + 地点短语。

where are + 表复数的人或事物?

回答:they are + 地点短语。

例如:-where is mary ?(玛丽在**?)

-she is on the slide .(她在滑梯上。)

-where are tom and linda? (汤姆和琳达在**?)

-they are on the seesaw.(他们在跷跷板上。)

2、 do you know? (你知道吗?)

3、are there any children under the tree?(树下有孩子吗?)

4、they are playing games. (他们正在做游戏。)

5、excuse me. (打扰一下,请问。)

6、there is + 单数名词 + 表地点的介词短语。意思是某个地方有某个人或事物。

例如:there is a cat under the desk .(桌子下有一只猫。)

there are some books on the desk . 桌子上有一些书。)

there is a quilt and two pillows on the bed.(床上有一床被子和两个枕头。)

there are two pillows and a quilt on the bed.(床上有两个枕头和一床被子。)

7、my cat is sleeping near the desk.(我的猫在桌子旁睡觉。)

第4课时。8、i like it very much . 我非常喜欢它。)


一。 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母。

az二。 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。

ff___hh o o___qq kk___m m

v v___x x __t tdd __


1. s__ nd 送 2. t _ cher 老师 3. pr_ s_nt 礼物。

4. r_ ng 打** _ k 讲话 6. w_ _t 等待。

m _ nt 一会儿 8. fl_ _er 花 9. c _ d 卡片。


come in 马上 nice 新年快乐。

that’s ok. 怎么样 do some washing 好的。

soon 当然可以 happy birthday 使用**。

what about 进来 use a telephone 洗衣服。

certainly 不客气 happy new year. 生日快乐。


一)a. just a moment. sorry, she is not in now.

b. bye! c. hello?

d. that’s ok. goodbye . e. hi! is mary in?

二)a. hello?

b. yes. who’s that?

c. hello! is that betty speaking?

d. this is wang nan speaking. tomorrow is teacher’s day.

shall we send some flowers to our english teacher?

e. see you.

f. good idea! see you tomorrow.


1. is that linda __a. speak b. speaking c. to speak

2.-hello! who’s __please? -this is tom speaking.

a. that b. he c. you

mother is __some washing. a. do b. doing c. to do

4.__you like to buy a new pen? a. what b. can c. would

5.__i use your watch? a. what c. can


a) b)1. is that helen speaking ? a. speaking.

2. may i speak to tom, please? b. this is wang nan .

3. what about going swimming ? c. no, this is linda.

4. who’s calling? d. good idea.



1. sw_ ng 秋千 2. sees_ _跷跷板 3. l_ br_ ry 图书馆。

4. b_ _lding 建筑 5. b_ h_ nd 在…后面 6. g_ m 健身房。

7. tr_ _树 8. n_ _r 在附近 9. midd_ _中间。

10. pill_ _枕头 11. v_ se 花瓶 12. w _ nd_ _窗户。


on the slide 电脑房。

under the desk教学楼。

office building 在滑梯上。

computer room 办公楼。

playground 在桌子下。

teaching building 操场。

三、排序。can i get to the museum?

next to the post office.

me, where’s the museum?

walk south for three minutes. then , take the no.1 bus at the cinema.


1where’s the library? a. excuse me. b. sorry . c. help me.

are many __in the city. a. builing b. buildings c. build

3.-_is our new classroom? -it’s on the second floor.

a. what b. where c. how

4. look! they are __the swings. a . on b. at c. in

5. where __they ? a. is b. am c. are

swimming pool is __the middle of the school.

a. in b. on

7. there __some children under the tree. a. am b. is c. are五、根据汉语意思补全句子。

1、 琳达和玛丽在哪儿linda and mary?

他们在秋千上。 they are

2、它和图书馆是相邻的。it’sthe library.

3、它在游泳池的附近。 it’s __the swimming pool.

4、我的房间里有张床。 there is a __in my __

5. 树下有只猫。 there is athe __


behind on in under

are many children __the tree.

ia a little rabbit __the hat.

they are __the slide.

shan is __the door.

there any children __the tree?


六年级上册英语复习提纲。unit1 语言功能 描述人物正在进行的活动。词汇 swing秋千。slide滑梯。bench长凳。angry生气的。bark狗叫。chain链子。bite咬。stone石头。cry哭。语法 现在进行时。用法 表示现在正在进行的动作。构成 am is are 动词现在分词。现...


unit1 1.掌握短语 a piece of candy 一块糖,a carton of ice cream 一盒冰淇淋,a pair of socks 一双袜子,a bag of chips 一袋薯片,a bottle of shampoo 一瓶洗发水,a bar of soap 一块香皂。a ...


一 句子类型 肯定句 it s a pencil.它是一支铅笔 否定句 this isn t a school.这不一所学校祈使句 don t speak 别讲话 一般疑问句 1.用 who 问谁。如,who is this?这是谁 2.用 what 问职业。如,what do you do?你是干...