
发布 2020-03-28 23:27:28 阅读 1676



一、 填入所缺的字母(10分)

th__ sand m__ e rest__ rant squ_ _e lant__ rn

bel__ ve alw__ s hu__ y enjl__ dly


( )h**e a picnic1、向窗外看。

look out of the window 2、野餐。

flying away3、飘走。

be careful4、多少。

how much5、用餐愉快。

enjoy your meal6、小心。

happy thanksgiving7、天安门广场。

)the tian’anmen square8、元宵节。

lantern festival9、.笔友。

( )pen friend10、感恩节快乐。


me更多)about the great wall.

2. the___气球)are flying away.

3. thanksgiving is my f**ourite___节日).

4.__高兴地)to __见到)you.

thirteen美元)and twenty-five cents.

鸭子)are eating our picnic.

apples are falling down the___楼梯)

is playing the___小号)again.

(门铃)is ringing now.

want a汉堡)。


)door a. side

)post b. one

)week c. children

)space d. ship

)news e card

)some f. end

)moon g. bell

)every h. *****

( )ini. times

) grand j cake


for example:he---eat---too



1( )how much is ita .it’s twelve.

2( )when are we going to eat? b .it’s five yuan.

3 ( who can help the girl? c .i am

4 ( what time is it? d. we 're going to eat at half past twelve.

2 5where’s my pene it’s sunny.

6( )what’s thisf it’s in the bag.

7( )how old are youg it’s a cat

8( )here is your presenth i’m ten.

9( )who on duty todayi i can help

10( )what’s the weather like today? g thank you.


) you take your kite? won’t. b. no,we willn’t.

) is he doing ? is singing. is swimming.

) pandas like bananas? they don’t. b . yes, they do.

) you going to go shopping?a .ok, let’s go. don’t.

)5.how much is it?a . it is thirteen yuan . b .they are fifty.

)6.where is your mother?a . she is at home. b . he is at home.

)7、why are you wearing a raincoat?

a、because it’s going to rain. b、because it’s going to warm .

)8、what happen to hellen keller?

a、she became a nurse. b、she became blind and deaf.

) 9 happy birthday to you . are welcome .

)10. what do you want to drink, juice or tea?.

a. ye s ,i do . b. juice , please.


it be windy in beijing? yes, it

you take your kite? _i won't.

that your houseit's the queen's house.

's that, daming? _a robot.

sam stronger than linglinghe is.

are theyare my grandparents.

you cook meat? no, i

he very naughty?yes, he

the capital of china? _is the capital of china.

day is today? it’s___




there is a big shop near my home. it sells a lots of things. from the shop we can buy some food, some drink and some school things---like cakes, apples, milk, oranges, pens and rulers.

the shop opens very early in the morning and it closes very late. we can buy things from 7:00~22:

00 in the shop. i often help my mother and father buy things in this shop. the people in the shop are very friendly.

) big shop is near my school.

) can buy some drink in the shop.

) shop opens at 7:00 in the morning.

) can buy things at 23:00 in the night.

) often help my grandparents buy things in the shop.


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