
发布 2020-07-25 06:37:28 阅读 5314





1. h**e (第三人称单数2. well (比较级。

3. many (比较级 (原级。

5. thin (比较级 (现在分词。

7. tooth (复数8. young (反义词。

9. baby (复数10. go (过去式。

11. throw (过去式12. sleep (过去式。

13. bite (过去式 (过去式。

15write (过去式。


1.出示 2.改变3.暗的 4.舒适的

5.功夫 6.调皮的 7.足球运动员 8.成为

9.好看的 10.植树节 11.挖12.希望。

13.保持14.碰撞15.悲伤的 16.救。

17.出生 18.使解放19.聪明的20.勇敢的




27. 按时28. 寻找29.等候。

30. finally31. full

surprised day before yesterday

36. good


1. the boygo) to the cinema with his parents last weekend.

2. whose bag ishe**y), yours or hers?

3. would you likeh**e) some tea now?

4. the mouse is very small. but it’sbig) than the ant.

5. my cousin likesswim ) and he canswim ) very well.

6. wherebe ) you just now ? ibe) in the classroom.

7. my rubber is bigger than __you).

8. please don'tbe) late again.



) 1. there are a lot of self-service restaurants in london. there are not any waiters and waitresses at the restaurant, so you must serve(服务) yourself.

a、自助餐馆 b、食堂c、饭店。

) 2. cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes, beans are good for health .i like the greens very much.

a、绿色b、绿色食品 c、格林。

) 3. peter had got a toothache. he went to see the dentist with his mother.

a、生病了 b、看牙医 c、牙疼。

) 4. welcome to our school. they are our teachers’ office, art room, computer room, and library .

that is dining room, i h**e lunch and breakfast in it.

a、饭馆 b、餐厅 c、小商店。

) 5. look out! the bus is coming.

a、看b、向外看 c、小心。

) 6. after supper ,i often take a walk in the garden with my family. we are so happy.

a、走路b、慢跑 c、散步。


) 7. you are at a friend’s house. your friend’s mother gives you some orange juice, but you want some coke.

you __

a. say “i don’t like orange juice”.

b. say “ no, thank you” and ask “could i h**e some coke, please?”

c. say “thank you” and drink the orange juice.

) 8. it’s your birthday, your english friend gives you a present. you __

a. put the present away and say “why did you buy a present?”

b. open the present and ask “ how much is it?” and “where did you buy it?”

c. open the present and say “thank you. i like it very much.”

) new friend comes to visit you at your home. an hour later, his/her dad comes to pick him/her up. you two h**e never met before.

when he rings the doorbell, you __

a. shout, “the door’s open!”

b. open the door and invite his/her dad in.

c. let your friend answer the door while you keep watching tv.

) father’s friend went to your home to h**e a lunch. he said, “peter, you are a good boy.” you will say.

a. no, i don’t. b. yes , you are right. c. thank you.


) 11. the pretty girl iscousin.

a. tom and mike b. tom’ s and mike’s

c. tom and mike’s d. tom’s and mike

) 12. the people’s republic of china was born in

a. nineteen forty nine b. nineteen and forty nine

c. nineteen forty and nine d. one nine four nine

) can see kangaroos in

a. canada b. japan c. france d. australia

) ming is playing basketball forin the nba.


school name 第一部分词汇 50分 一 填入所缺的字母 10分 th sand m e rest rant squ e lant rn bel ve alw s hu y enjl dly 二 翻译下面的短语。10分 h e a picnic1 向窗外看。look out of the w...


英语竞赛 人教新版 小学六年级英语竞赛试题 一 语音 a 从a b c d中选择适当的字母或字母组合使之完整 正确。y ning th e b 根据音标,填写单词,使句子意思完整。h e a sist her name is igli teacher is very kind.am in class...


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