
发布 2020-03-26 09:12:28 阅读 8338

陕旅版小学英语六年级下册unit3 who’s that man?教学设计。


teaching contents:

本单元的教学分为四个课时,而本课时以part a let’s learn的职业词汇教学为主,借助已经学过的句型复习部分职业词汇,从而逐步教授本单元更多的职业词汇。具体教学内容包含:part a warming-up:

look and choose. talk about the pictures above. let’s learn.

teaching aims:

1、aims on the knowledge:能听说认读词汇:pupil, actor, singer, reporter, scientist, police officer, basketball player.

2、aims on abilities:能听懂、认识功能句who’s… ?what does…do?并能准确做答,学会用功能句…is a/an…表达他人的职业。

3、aims on the emotion:激发学生以名人为榜样,为实现自己的理想而奋斗。

teaching emphasis:


teaching difficulty:



teaching aids:

part a let’s learn部分的教学词汇卡片,四年级上册unit1所学的职业单词卡片、教学课件。

teaching procedures:

step1: warming-up(课前热身)


b、sing a song and do the actions together(if you are happy) (设计思路:通过师生互动,增进师生感情,消除学生紧张情绪。)

step2:leading in(8mins)

a: using ppt to show a photo and let students to guess who it is.(t:

there is a photo of a person ,but we all don’t know who it is. would you like to guess? maybe the four questions can help us.

第一个问题now who can read the first question? s: …t:

guess !

s: .t: maybe you are right ,it’s a woman.

第二个问题:t:no.2 what does she like?

s: …师可以做动作提示)

第三个问题:t:who can read the third question?

s…t:yes ,she is a teacher.

第四个问题:t:let’s h**e a look who she is(师点击鼠标并做吃惊状说:

oh ,it’s me, my name is zhaoqiongna, you can call me miss zhao. t: who is that woman?

what is miss zhao?

b:(出示幻灯片)part a. look and choose师通过句型what is...

引导学生根据本部分**进行回答,复习以前所学职业类单词driver teacher worker doctor nurse farmer

t:look at these pictures and answer my questions as quickly as you can.)

c: parta warming-up talk about the picture.(课件出示班里一个同学**)

t:wow! what a pretty girl! who is this girl?

s: she is…

t:is she in our class? what is she?

s: she is a student.



a:新课展示part a let’s learn承接上一环节,课件出示小学中学大学背景图,强调他是小学生t:yes ,she is a student in our school.

she is not in a middle school, so she is a pupil ,too全班看着教学卡片拼读,引导学生注意第一个音节pu中u的读长音[ju:],第二个音节pil中的字母i不发音。

b :教授词汇basketball player 和who is that man? (板书句子)让学生分组读basketball player、play basketball,第一组读用升调basketball player第二组读用降调basketball player第三组读句子:

yaoming is a basketball player. 并以此类推总结出更多球类运动员的英文表达,诸如:football player , ping-pong player.

c: 用**课件**的方式学习其他职业类单词:actor, singer, reporter, scientist, police office。

板书;what is he ?=what does he do?


a:( a game)t: listen to me carefully .

if i point to any words and say***you should say **with me. but when i point to the real***you should stand up and say***as quickly as possible. are you clear?

ready? go!(设计思路:


b: play a game(act and guess)有一名学生上台抽取写有英语单词的卡片并表演动作,其他学生猜单词。由第一个猜对的学生继续抽取单词卡片,其他学生猜。


c: work in pairs(talking about your pictures with your partner. try to use “who is 。。

he is… what does he/she do? he is a/an …”再用句型i want to be a/an…畅谈自己的理想,在班上交流。(设计思路:



t:what did you get from this class?

s1 …s2 …


t:today we h**e learned some words about at ppt show me what you got. you can speak in chinese )s1:

… s2…师总结职业类单词的变化规则)



(t: how time flies!it’s time to say goodbye to you.

but i think we had a good you think so? ok, after class you should:

1、read these words following the tape。

2、talk about your idols(偶像) with your partner, try to use the words and sentences you h**e learned.

板书设计:unit3 who’s that man?

t: who is that man?

s: he is…

t: what does he/ she do?

s: he/she is a /an...


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