
发布 2020-03-26 09:08:28 阅读 1335




一.听单词,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号写在题前括号内,每个单词读五遍。(共5分,每小题1分) .

) 1. a.collectb.cleanc.cross

) 2. a.bamboob.rulec.body

) 3. a.mapb.standc.stamp

) 4. a.chinatown b.canadac. candy

) 5. a.peaceb.petc.pleased



)1. a. has your pen friend got a red cap?

b. h**e your pen friends got red caps?

)2. a. do you want to drink milk ?

b. do you want to go inside?

)3. a. i often eat with knife and fork.

b. i always eat with knife and fork.

)4.a. there are many mountains in china.

b. there are lots of beautiful lakes in china.

) 5. a. bears like to sleep in winter .

b. dogs like playing with children .



) 1. a. no, i h**en’ very often.

) 2. a. thanksgiving dayb. reading books.

) 3. a. no, i don’tb. yes, of course.

) 5. a. yes, i canb. no, i h**en’t.

) 5. a. we eat moon all go to see the dragon boat race.

笔试部分 (60分)



has ɡot a chinese draɡon kite.

do you do at the lantern festival?

二、火眼金睛。单项选择,从每小题a. b. c中选出一个最佳答案。(共10分,每小题1分)

)1、i can __english.


)2、h**e you got __stamps , simon ?

a、ab、 anc、 any

)3、there __lots of chinese shops there.


) 4、new york is___the east of america.

a、inb、 onc、 at

)5、all of these postcards are __china.

a、fromb、withc、 for

)6. simon has got some chopsticks, _he can’t use them.

a. butb. andc. or

)7. —pandas eat __twelve hours a day.

lucky pandas!

a. onb. toc. for

)8. we say “thank you”__our food.

a. forb. onc. to

)9. pleased __meet you!

a. tob. bec. of

)10. please __quiet! mum is sleeping.

a. isb. amc. be


a big m _ of china!

great wall is very very st_ o_ _

thanksgiving dinner , we watch a big f_ _tb_ll game on tv.

often cl_ _n the blackboard for my teacher.

5. look! i h**e got a photo of my b__cy__le.


)1. i want to go to the library

)2. pandas love bamboo

)3. please stand in line

)4. flying kites is my hobby

)5. there is chinese dancing.


) 1. do you want to go to shanghai? a. it’s in the east of china.

) is shanghaib. collecting stamps is my hobby.

)3. don`t talk in the library. c. yes, we do.

)4. what’s your hobby? are 193.

) many member states are there in the un? sorry.


1he sometimes)

he sometimes rides the bike to school..




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