
发布 2020-03-25 20:11:28 阅读 6042



满分:100 时间:60分钟)

part one (听力部分 52分)



) 1. question: what did sarah do last sunday?

a. bought new clothes b. planted a flower c. had a picnic

) 2. question: how tall is john?

a. he is 160 cm tallb. he is 130 cm tall.

c. he is 150 cm tall.

) 3. question: who is stronger?

a. wu yifanb. zhang peng.

) 4. question: what’s the matter with mike?

a. he has a sore throatb. he has a cold.

c. he has a headache.

) 5. question: what did they do in qingdao?

a. they climbed lao shan. b. they swam in the sea.

c. they visited grandparents.

三、听录音判断正误,用“t”或“f”表示, 你将有5秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每小题读两遍。(10分)

) 1. mike learned english .

) 2. sarah is one year younger than amy.

) 3. john is going to buy an english magazine.

) 4. chen jie likes playing the piano.

) 5. the library is in front of the hospital.

四、听录音,选出正确的答语, 你将有5秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每小题读两遍。(10分)

) 1. a. i go to school by bike. b. i go to beijing by plane.

) 2. a. she is a teacherb. he is a teacher.

) 3. a. i’m going to the bookstore. b. i like collecting stamps.

) 4. i want a pair of shoes. b. yes, you can.

) 5. a. he goes there on foot. b. he works in a hospital.


1. amy looks sobecause her mother is going to buy her a new skirt.

2. i h**e ai can't eat anything.

3. my arms arethan yours.

4. wethe room all day. now, we are tired.

5. we rowed ain the lake.

part two (笔试部分 48分)


last weekend i was very busy (繁忙的). on saturday, iclothes in the morning. i did my homework in the aftermoon.

then itv in the evening. on sunday, i __to the park with my friends. wepictures andanimals.


例如:how do you go to school? i go to school on foot.

1would you like for dinner? i’d like some beef and rice.

2is your birthday? it’s may 4th.

3is it? it’s five o’clock.

4do you like spring? because i can plant trees.

5students are there in your class? there are 67.

6season do you like best? summer.

7is it? it’s white and black.

8is this shirt? it’s 100 yuan.


1. we in sang danced and the classroom (

2. did fishing yesterdayyou go (

3. usually football on the i playground play (

4. collecting likes mike stamps (

5. a do h**e you pen pal (


mr zhang is a driver. he drives no.8 bus in our city.

he works very hard. he gets up at 5:00am.

he goes home at 9:00pm. he is very polite and smiles to every passenger(乘客).

everyone likes him very much.

miss liu is a salesperson. she sells fruit in a shop. everyday, she goes to work on foot, bacause her house is not far from the shop.

yesterday, my mother bought some apples and bananas from miss liu. they are very delicious.

1. what is mr zhang?

2. when does mr zhang get up?

3. is mr zhang very polite?

4. who is a salesperson?


1 小兔吃萝卜。兔笼里养了一只小兔,饲养员拿来8个萝卜,规定这只兔子每天只能吃一个或两个,而且不能不吃,也不能多吃。那么,这只兔子吃光这8个萝卜,至少可以吃几天?至多可以吃几天?2 笼中装有鸡和兔,数数一共有20个头,有56条腿,鸡和兔各有几只?3 有2元和5元的人民币共8张,合起来是25元,你知道...


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