
发布 2020-03-22 03:17:28 阅读 6165


1.跳高 principal2.跳远 the prizes3.

接球8. be good at skipping4.扔球 me5.

运动会 this the sports lots of fun___15.在九月三十日16、***份。


)1、whose birthday is today?it’s __sister’s brother() are tom and sue doing?

is is throwing a ball. are running.

) are they going to do?__

am going to run. are are going to do the high jump.

) that your camera?__

that yes, it is.

) the children practising for sports day?

there are. b. no,these aren’t. they aren’t.

) this __birthday card?

) you like my picture? i yes, i no, i don’t.()are going to draw a picture __our school.

) students are skipping __sports day.

). is the __month? it is may.


1、你告诉别人你喜欢国庆节,该说:i like2、运动会在下个月举行,该说:sports day is3、你擅长于跑步,该说:i’m good atin a __

4、你打算在运动会上跳高。该说:ito do the high jump..

5、你告诉别人今天是你哥哥的生日,该说is my6、你问老师是否喜欢你的诗歌,怎么问:__you___my __7、你想问圣诞节是什么时候,怎么问day?8、你想问一周有多少天,怎么问are there in a9、你打算画一幅我们城市的画,该说:

ito draw aour city.10、你想说他们正在为运动会做练习,该说for11、你想说她能做得好,该说:sheit __12、你想问他们打算投球吗,怎么问going to __a ball?



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