
发布 2020-03-21 05:50:28 阅读 8500


四年级英语期中试题(卷) 2011.11


_ ping(买东西饭店)

h__er(出纳员) 百)

__ket(集市) 自行车)

百 __k (公园)

__(城市 __e(办公室)


1. near(反义词2. store(同义词)__

3. library(复数形式)__4. waitress(对应词)__

5. hot(反义词6. i(同音词)__

7. right(反义词8. car(复数形式)__



a: excuse me. where is the shop?

b: just go __down this street and turn __at the lights.

a: i don’t understand. _

b: _go straight down this street. you will see some __turn right __then you will see the shop.

a: thanks!


) the classroom

a. yes, i like. b. thanksc. across from the office.

) are you going

a. to the office. b. here it is. c. go straight.

) plus thirty equals

a. fifty-eight b. forty-five c. forty-six

) the shop far from here

a . no ,it’s near. b .let’s me help you. c. i don’t know.

) lights: red is___green is__.yellow is __

a. go stop wait b. wait go stop c. stop go wait

) i help __

a. you b. your c. she

)7.__are you? fine, thank you.

a. what b. where c. how

) this a cab? _

a. yes, it is. b. yes, it isn’t. c. no, it is.

) my book? _the bed.

a. in b. atc. on

) 10. what __it? it’s a restaurant.

a. am b. isc. are


classroom fortytrucktiger

rightsixteen department store


february monday saturdayrestaurant





) you h**e a mapa. i want to buy a dress.

) i help youb yes. here it is.

) is she i want to buy a dress.

) is the library? is riding a bicycle.

) do you want to buy? from the office.


are you going

to the d s .

go to a r to e ice cream.

3. let′ s go to the movie t to watch a m .

i want to b a dress.

this ,please.

b works in an o b .

does a c work?

the w ?

it′ s c and w .

does he w ?

he works in a g s .


成都市新都区利民学校2014 2015学年秋季期中考试卷。四年级英语。满分 100分考试时间 60分钟 班级 姓名 分数 一 默写字母。20分 1.按字母表顺序默写aa zz,大小写都要写。2.默写5个元音字母。二 用手写体抄写下列单词。10分 doorlight fifty quiet scien...


2011 2012学年度第二学期。实验小学四年级英语期中自查卷。答题时间40分钟,满分100分 班别姓名分数。听力部分 满分60分 一 听录音,选出相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。10分 1.abc.2.abc.3.a.teacher b.picture c.weather 4.a.f...


外国语小学2015 2016学年下学期。四年级英语教学质量阶段检测。等级 一 找出不同类的单词。10分 1 a wasb were c is 2 a apple b kite c football 3 a today b about c yesterday 4 a home b old c stro...