
发布 2020-03-18 08:40:28 阅读 2412







) 1. a. booksb. boxc. bookcase

) 2. a. shortsb. socksc. shoes

) 3. a. whatb. whitec. water

) 4. a. threeb. therec. here

) 5. a. hisb. he’sc. he

) 6. a. hungryb. hundredc. hamburger

) 7. a. rabbitb. rulerc. rubber

) 8. a. thirtyb. thirstyc. thirteen

) 9. a. 3:25b. 3:15c. 3:50

) 10. a. dogb. dollc. ball

二、听录音,给下列**标上序号。 (听两遍,共8题,每小题1分,计8分)



) 1. a. it’s helen’sb. they’re helen’s. c. yes, it is.

) 2. a. i like ice-creams. b. i’d like an ice cream. c. yes, please.

) 3. a. it’s nineb. at ninec. i’m nine.

) 4. a. you’re rightb. that’s all rightc. all right.

) 5. a. yes, i amb. yes, i doc. yes, i can.



) 1. a. doll b. busc. card. plane

) 2. a. niceb. pretty c. lovely d. rice

) 3. a. heb. my c. i d. she

) 4. a. stand b. sit c. draw d. two

) 5. a. jeans b. gloves c. scarfd. socks

) 6. a. coffee b. teac. sandwich d. juice

六、 单项选择。(共12题,每小题1分,计12分)

) 1. this __my water bottle. my water bottle is red.

a. isn’tb. notc. are

) 2. the pair of jeans __too short. try this __on.

a. are, pairb. is, pairc. is, one

) 3. -what’s that in your hand

a. yes, it’s a pencil caseb. it’s a pencil case.

c. it’s in the pencil case.

) 4. -do you like thisyes, i do. i like

a. balloon, balloon b. balloons, balloons c. balloon, balloons

) 5. happymr green.

a. teacher’s day b. teachers’ day c. teachers’ day

) 6. -what time __you get up? -i get up __six twenty-five.

a. are, atb. is, atc. do, at

) 7stand on your chair, d**id.

a. don’tb. noc. not

) 8my baglook, it’s on the bed.

a. what’sb. whosec. where’s

) 9. -it’s nine. go to bed, nancy. -all rightmum.

a. good nightb. good morning c. good evening

) 10. -may i h**e a copybook __you?

a. to (绿色圃中小学教育网 原文地址 forc. on

) 11your key is on the desk over there. -thank you.

a. lookb. look atc. see

) 12. -is that your mother’s bike? -yes, it’s __bike.

a. she’sb. shec. her


) 1. what’s seven and eighta. they’re liu mei’s.

) 2. thanks a lotb. it’s seven fifteen.

) 3. whose rulers are theyc. i like apples .

) 4. are you illd. you can h**e this big one.


2012 2013学年度第一学期期末考试试卷分析。本试卷内容紧紧围绕课本和练习册,所有的 都出自课本和练习册,只要掌握好基础知识,就能考出好的成绩。现根据本次考试的答卷情况,对每一题进行具体分析。listenandjudge.本题为听力,所出内容为课本内容,本题得分率不理想,约占65 出错的较多,而...


一 自我介绍 welcome to my class.my name is zhang shanshan.my english name is vivi.so you can call me vivi.i m a sagittarius.i am an outgoing,loving person....


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