
发布 2020-03-18 08:10:28 阅读 7290




二、听句子,判断所听内容是否与**相符,并将序号涂在答题卡相对应的位置,听两遍。同学们请注意:相符的涂a,不相符的涂b。 (共8小题;每小题1分,计8分)


) 1. what is behind the door?

a. coatsb. booksc. jackets.

) 2. mike’s and helen’s coats are .

a. blueb. blue and brownc. not brown or blue.

) 3. mike and helen are

a. in the classroom. b. in the playground. c. at home.

) 4. perhaps mike and helen are

a. playing basketball b. watching the running race c. playing football

) 5. whose coats are they?

a. they’re yours. b. they are mike’s and helen’s. c. they’re yang ling’s.


( )1. a. sounds good. b. i’m sorry to hear that. c. i’m so happy.

) 2. a. yes, i do. b. i h**e many books. c. no, i’m not.

) 3. a. yes, she does. b. yes, she canc. yes, she is.

) 4. a. i h**e four. b. he likes maths and chinese. c. i like english and art.

) 5. a. it’s a hot day. b. it’s sunny. c. it’s tuesday.


( )1. helen and her friends are in the __

a. park b. zoo c. garden

)2. it is in the___

a. evening b. afternoon c. morning

) isa. tiredb. thirsty c. ill

) bing is __

a. hotb. hungry c. tired

)5. d**id is

a. thirsty b. sleepy c. cold


)1. a hungry b thirty c tired d thirsty

)2. a come b go c say d rabbit

)3. a hot b cold c tired d bed

)4. a ill b panda c lion d bear

)5. a stand b sit c draw d two


) 1. –howdo you h**e this morning ?

– four.

a. many, lesson b. many, subjects c. many, lessons

( )2. –do you h**e __cakes ?

– yes, i’d like __pies , too.

a. some, any b. any, some c. some, some

) 3. what can you see over there ?

a. i can play football. b. i can see some footballs. c. yes, i can.

) 4. they h**e dinner __six thirty __the evening.

a. at, in b. at, at c. on, in

) 5. d**idtoys in the bedroom.

a. h**e, a lot of b. has, any c. has, a lot of

) 6. _summer, he can

a. in, swims b. at, swim c. in, swim

) 7. _the pill and __some water.

a. take, h**e b. eat, h**e c. take, eat

) 8. when do you go home this afternoon ?

a. five yuan. b. it’s five twenty. c. at five twenty.

) 9. the dress___nice and the jeans___too long.

a. is, are b. is, is c. isn’t, is

) 10. can you come to my party this evening ?

a. what a pity ! b. well done. c. i’d love to.


a. 阅读短文,根据短文内容做出判断,并将答案涂在答题卡相对应的位置。同学们请注意:正确的涂a,错误的涂b(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

( boys and girls are playing a guessing game. )

mike: whose jacket is this, ming ming ?

ming ming: is it wang bing’s ?

wang bing: yes, it is.

mike: whose shoes are they ?

wang bing: are they bob’s ?

bob: no. you’re wrong.

ming ming: are they dong dong’s ?

dong dong: yes. you’re right. what about this shirt ?

mike: haha. it’s my shirt.

1. boys and girls are playing a guessing game.

2. the jacket is wang bing’s.

3. the shoes are bob’s.

4. the shirt is mike’s.

5. six boys are playing the guessing game.

b. 阅读**中信息,选择正确答案。并将答案涂在答题卡相对应的位置。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

1.( yang ling haspens.

a. 18 b. 12 c. 5

2.( helen has apples

a. 5 b. 15 c. 30

3.( liutao and yang ling h**e toys.


2012 2013学年度第一学期期末考试试卷分析。本试卷内容紧紧围绕课本和练习册,所有的 都出自课本和练习册,只要掌握好基础知识,就能考出好的成绩。现根据本次考试的答卷情况,对每一题进行具体分析。listenandjudge.本题为听力,所出内容为课本内容,本题得分率不理想,约占65 出错的较多,而...


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