
发布 2020-03-18 08:08:28 阅读 7449

单词:学校教室图书馆操场在**在…附近远的从…来离…远这个街道自行车出租汽车小汽车公共汽车三十灯红色黄色绿色商店让我们出发购物想要朝… 买方向电影院公园超市西红柿马铃薯包。

重点:where’s the computer room?微机室在哪?

excuse me. where’s the computer room?打扰一下。微机室在哪?

i can show you.我来指示给你看。

li ming is near the school. 李明离学校近。

now li ming is far from the school.现在李明离学校远。

is the library far from here?图书馆离这里远吗?

excuse me, where’s the library?打扰一下,图书馆在哪?

this way,please.请走这边。

excuse me, can you help me?打扰一下,你能帮我吗?


i’m lost. where’s the zoo?我迷路了。动物园在哪?

go straight and turn left.直走然后左转。

street街道 go straight直走 turn left左转 turn right右转。

how do you go to school?你如何去学校?

i go to school by bike.我骑自行车去上学。

i go to the zoo by taxi.出租车。

i go to the restaurant by car.小汽车。

i go home by bus.公交车。

red is stop!红灯停。

yellow is wait!黄灯等待。

green is go!绿灯行。

you can go there by bus.你可以乘公交车去那。

where is the bus stop?公交车站点在哪?

go straight and turn right at the traffic lights.直走在公交车站点右转。

let’s go shopping!让我们去购物吧。

tea shop茶叶店 book shop书店 clothes shop服装店 toy shop玩具店。

what do you want to buy?你想买什么?

i want to buy a new dress.我想买条新裙子。

i don’t want to buy a new dress.我不想买一条新裙子。

may i help you ?有什么需要帮助的吗?

yes, please.是的,谢谢。

where are the dresses?裙子在哪?

i’ll show you. this way, please.我将指给你看。请这边走。

here they are.在这里。

excuse me.打扰下。

yes? may i help you?怎么了?有什么需要帮助的吗?

let’s go to the cinema to see a film.让我们去影院看电影。

let’s go to the park to fly kites.让我们去公园放风筝。

let’s go to the library to read a book.让我们去图书馆读书。

candy isn’t good for your teeth.糖对你的牙齿没好处。

danny, don’t use that bag. we h**e our shopping bag.别用那个袋子,我们有自己的购物袋。

we can shop online.我们可以网购。

how much is it?多少钱?

let’s take it.让我们买了它。

shopping online is fun and easy.网购有趣且有意思。

can i buy ice cream online?我能网上买冰淇淋吗?

are you okay?你还好吗?

my head hurts.我头疼。let’s go to see a doctor.让我们去看医生吧。



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