
发布 2020-03-18 07:47:28 阅读 9863






1. 每单元一页。用知识树或思维导图编写安排单元主要单词句型。然后写一篇本单元的作文。先读熟老师发的单元作文,然后自己写,不会写的同学可以仿写或者抄写。


2. 上册6页,作文6篇。下册1-3页,下册可以抄写对话,不写作文。

3. 编写好一单元,可以拍照发群里。



作文范例 unit 1 my classroom

this is our new classroom. it is nice and clean. we h**e a big blackboard on the wall.

the teacher’s desk is near the blackboard. the computer is in the teacher’s desk. my picture is on the wall .

where is my seat(座位)? oh,it’s near the window. where are my friends?

haha,they are in the classroom. we love our classroom. let’s clean our classroom.


unit 2 my schoolbag

look ! i h**e new is black and white. it is so beautiful(美丽的) !

it looks like (看起来像)a monkey. it brown and like it very much. what’s in my schoolbag?

look! an english book,a maths book, three storybook and ..my english book is orange and yellow.

i like english very much. and i like my storybooks ,too.

unit 3 my friends

i h**e a good friend. she is a cute cute girl. she’s quiet and is tall and thin.

she has big eyes and she has red has long hair. she has a blue hat. she likes red shoes.

she speak english very well. who is she? she is a beautiful.

her name is kate.

unit 4 my home 课本p43

unit 5 dinner’s ready

mum , i’m hungry. they are today’s specials.(特色菜) i’d like some beef and beef is 20 yuan.

the chicken is 15 yuan. my father would like noodles and soup. the noodles are 8 yuan.

the soup is only 2 yuan . my sister likes vegetables and fish. the vegetables are 5yuan .

the fish is 10 yuan .what about you ,mum? what would you like?

unit 6 meet my family 课本63页。


四年级英语寒假作业 姓名班级 一 每天 1月26日 2月16日 听录音并大声朗读英语课文 1 3册 半个小时 父母每天签名一次,签在 中 二 抄写第三册词汇表中黑体和打五角星单词,每天4个,每个8遍 中文一遍 三 每天读,写数字一遍 ninety,eighty,seventy,sixty,fifty...


王小娟。日期。任务。过好寒假p37,完成英语分级阅读p1 p4过好寒假p38,完成英语分级阅读p6 p11过好寒假p39,完成英语分级阅读p13 p17过好寒假p40,完成英语分级阅读p19 p24过好寒假p41,完成英语分级阅读p26 p32过好寒假p42,完成英语分级阅读p33 p37过好寒假p...


亲爱的同学们 盼望已久的寒假终于到来了,大家一定沉浸在无比的喜悦之中。同学们,这个寒假不算太长,我们怎样利用这有限的假期,做点有意义的事呢?你们可要好好地设计一下。老师建议你们要从少而精上下功夫。所谓少,是指我们做的事不宜太多,要合理安排时间,做到劳逸结合,并利用假期做些自己想做的事。所谓精,是指要...