
发布 2020-03-18 07:46:28 阅读 9285

第一周 lesson one & lesson two


二、 试着将下列单词补充完整。

1. ab___ta. ow b. uo c. ou

2. t__ cha. ee,er b. ea,er c. ea,or

3. tha. ire b. air c. eir

4. fr___ma. a b. o c. i

5. _l __ven a. e,e b. e,a c. e,i

三、 语言知识。


1. 当你想问别人“你在那个年级时”,应该怎么说?

are you in?


i’m in

3. 你来自**?说说看。

i __from

4. “他们来自日本。”用英语说说这句话。

from japan.


1. grade you in two are

2. my nose on glasses are my

3. mr family is cat’s family a happy

4. works in hospital a he


1. what’s your name? 2. where are you from, tom?

3. me too! 4. hello! i am ann. 5. i am from england.

6. my name is tom.


( )1、当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:

a、i want to play ping-pong. b、let’s play ping-pong。

c、you can play ping-pong。

( )2、怎样问星期几?

a、what day is today? b、what is this?c、how is the weather?

( )3、怎样问价钱?

a、how many is the car? b、how many cars is there? c、how much is the car?

( )4、当你要打扰别人时,你应说:

a、 excuse me. b、thank you. c、sorry。

( )5、当你问别人多大岁数时,应该说:

a、what are you? b、how old are you? c、how are you?

( )6、当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:

a、i can show you. b、i can see you. c、i can work。

( )7、当你问某个东西是什么时,用英语说:

a、 where is it? b、what is it? c、what time is it?

( )8、当你想帮助别人时,你应该说:

a、 can you help you? b、i can help you. c、let me help。

( )9、当别人向你表示感谢时,你应该说:

a、thank you. b、thanks. c、you’re welcome。

( )10、当你想知道早饭吃什么时,你应说:

a、what’s this?b、what is that?c、what’s for breakfast?

( )11、当你想知道别人去哪儿里时,你问:

a、is that far from here ? b、where are you going ?

c、do you h**e a map ?

( )12、当你想知道别人想买什么时,你问:

a、what do you want to buy ? b、what do you want to do ?

c、where is the shop ?

( )13、当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:

a、turn left. b、turn right. c、go straight。

( )14、当你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:

a、red is stop. b、yellow is wait. c、yellow is go。

( )15、当你不想买裙子时,你应该说:

a、i want to buy a dress. b、i don’t want to buy a shirt。

c、i don’t want to buy a dress

c. 知识拓展。

词中有词 聪明的小同学们,你知道 “teacher” 这个词中藏着几个词吗?找一找吧!


第二周 lesson three & lesson four



( )1. a. shopb. son c. mother

( )2. a. thoseb. love c. only

( )3. a. tigerb. fish c. climb

( )4. a. bearb. earc. pear

( )5. a. cakeb. family


1、what’s in your classroom ?

a、电扇电灯操场 b、一个教室 c、桌子、椅子、窗户。

2、who’s your english teacher ?

a、mr li b、miss chen c、miss li

3、how many storybooks do you h**e ?

a、five b、five notebooks c、i like them.

4、what colour is your english book ?

a、two b、blue c、black

5、do you like balloons ?

a、no, i don’t. b、yes. it is. c、ok.

6、may i h**e a look ?

a、sure, here you are. b、no. c、not at all.

7、我的座位在**? (

a、wow ! it’s so big! b、it’s near the door. c、it’s on the wall.

8、你的好朋友喜欢什么? (

a、she is quite . b、she is painting . c、she likes music .

9、今天谁值日? (

a、sit down. b、mike. c、stand up .

10、我能采访一下你吗? (

a、sorry , i don’t know . b、sure . c、thank you .


亲爱的同学们 暑假临近,对于同学们来说是一件期盼已久的快乐的事情,同学们可以有更多自由支配的时间和空间,希望同学们在这两个月的暑假生活中有个进步!1.每天读书5分钟,可复习四年级的内容 课外阅读或提前预习五年级的知识,请在反面做好记录已完成 2.书法天天练 抄写单词表和常用表达法1遍。要求 书写规范...


每天听录音10分钟,朗读15分钟并到钉钉里打卡。按四年级上下两册课本课文顺序有计划的进行 用英语编一份手抄报主题 all about me.包括自己的年龄,生日,身高,住址,喜欢的事情,颜色。衣服,食物。要求 紧扣主题,并茂,生动活泼。找找身边的英文广告,英语提示语或者英语商标,并将它们拍下来,将自...


四年级暑假作业答案,暑假作业答案。3 形容五彩缤纷,十分华丽的样子。4 洁白的玉上没有一点儿小斑,比喻人或事物完美无缺。三 你能写出下列词语的近义词吗?增添幽静绚烂。格外凉爽宽广。四 照样子在括号里填上适当的词语。例 明亮 的灯光。的大海 的香山。的西湖 的雪峰。的泰山 的霞光。五 选择合适的关联词...