
发布 2020-03-11 19:40:28 阅读 9545

unit9 can you come to my party?

第1课时section a (1a-2c)

温故互查。say out the phrases loudly.

1. 为考试而学习2.做作业。

3. 看望姑姑4.帮助父母。

5. 去电影院6.去参加晚会。

7. 看牙医8.在周六下午。

9. 在周日晚上10.不得不。


please make conversations like this:

1.) can you ride a bike?

2.)a:can you count from twenty to thirty?

b: sure. i can.

3.)a:can you play with me now?

b:sorry, i’m doing my homework now.

4.)a:can you help me with my english?

b: ok. (no problem./yes,i can./ love to.)

sorry, i can’t. i must finish my homework first.

设问导读。 look at the picture and match the words with the picture.(1a)

read the conversations in the picture and make new conversations with your partner.(1a)


1. listen and write the names next to the correct students in the picture above.(1b)

2. listen and circle “can” or “can’t”.(2a)

3. listen again .number the reason【1-3】 why people can’t go to the party.(2b)


look at the reasons to say no to an invitation in some more .then student a invite your partner to do something. student b say you can’t go and say why.


)1.-can you come to my party?

a:sorry, i can. b; yes,i’d love. c:sure, i’d love to.

)2.__the evening of may 1st , they went to tom’s birthday party.

a:on b: at c: in

) eats __meat and he is __he**y.

a: too much, too much b: much too, much too c: too much, much too

)4. can you play basketball __us __sunday afternoon?

a:with, on b: at, in c: on ,with

)5. it’s raining hard, so we __stay at home to watch tv.

a:must b: can c: h**e to


1). i'm v___my aunt this weekend.

2) .we h**e to s___for the math test.

3). i'm going to jay zhou's c___next sunday.

4) .can you come to my party next monday?

--let me look at my c___first.

5). the students are h**ing a l___


1). he___h**e) to go to the doctor.

2) .she___h**e) a piano lesson now.

3). i would love __come) to your party.

4). i am sorry___hear) that.

5). thank you for___help) me.





(5 )你能和我一起去上学吗?


1. 他们还在复习备考。they’rea___

2. 他每周上一次小提琴课。 heonce week.

3. 谢谢你帮了我这么多me so much.

4. 我每周末不得不在家临时照顾我弟弟。

every weekend , istay at home and __my brother.

5. 他们什么时候举行聚会的? when did they __a __


sun ming is h**ing a party on saturday afternoon. but ted can’t go to the party. he __carlos __to go .

tim can’t go , either. hewilson feels sorry. heannkaysun ming feels a little sad.

what a small party!


unit9 can you come to my party?

第2课时section a (3a-3c)


1. 来参加我的晚会2. 在周六下午。

3. 上钢琴课4. 去看医生。

5. 太多家庭作业6. 谢谢邀请。

7. 玩得高兴8. 去商业街。

9. 棒球比赛10.为考试而学习

pair work

a: can you come to my party on wednesday?

b: sure, i would love to.

a: can you come to my party on wednesday?

c: sorry, i can not ..i h**e a piano lesson.

a: can you come to my party on wednesday?

d: i am sorry, too. i h**e to go to a doctor.

设问导读。we know how to invite others and how to accept and decline invitations. but before you h**e a party, what do you h**e to do ?

you h**e to send the invitation to invite your friends to your party. how to write the invitation?


unit 2 课前回顾 一 单词短语。with housework 帮助做家务活 shopping 购物。weekends 在周末 often 多久一次。ever几乎不 a week 每周一次。a month每月二次 to the movies去看电影。day 每天 the internet上网 用...


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pron.任何人adv.在任何地方adj.精彩的adj.不多相当多 不少adj.最多 大多数pron.某事pron.没有什么pron.每人当然。pron.我自己 本人pron.你自己n.母鸡n.猪v.好像adj.厌倦的pron.某人n.记事簿adj.有乐趣的n.活动v.决定 选定v.n.尝试。给 的...