
发布 2020-03-07 20:18:28 阅读 7551



) 1. a. jeep b. peach c. juice

) 2. a. bye b. bike c. five

) 3. a. chair b. bear c. pear

) 4. a. lamp b. lock c. look

) 5. a. walkman b. woman c. watermelon

) 6. a. grape b. great c. green

) 7. a. dad b. red c. desk

) 8. a. use b. qxd c. qse

) 9. a. fox b. box c. bos

) gyj b. pyj c. gij




)1. a. yes, i don't. b. no, i do. c. sorry, i don't like bananas.

)2. a. it's under the book. b. no problem. c. yes, i do.

)3. a. no, thanks. b. sure. here you are. c. thank you.

)4. a. in the toy box. b. threec. on the desk.


)'s under the chair. (i use your pencil?( is my car?

) at my new crayons. (5. certainly. here you are.

笔试部分:一、写出大小写字母,从qq ~ zz.


chair walkman bike lamp bus desk


四、看图,选出与图相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在( )内。

a. the car is on the box. b. look, the bus is in my bag.

c. -mom, where is my ball? -look, it's under the chair.

d. -excuse me, amy. can i use your pencil? -no problem.


)1. how many books do you h**e2. how many ducks can you see?

)3. can i use you pen? (are you from? (5. who's that man?

m from america. 's mr black. h**e sixteen. can see twelve. problem.

六、读句子,选择适当的词填空,把序号填在( )内。

a. how b. can c. where d. do

)1. is your eraser2. i h**e some coke?

)3. you like pears? (4. many kites can you see?


unit 5 do you like pears?第一课时教学设计。学习内容 let s talk教材分析 学习目标 1.熟练掌握本课句型 do you like yes,i do.no,i don t.2.水果单词 pear,orange,apple 学习重点 句型do you like yes,...


第五单元测试题。一 给下列的单词进行分类。食物动物身体部位。二 选择。1.我可以吃面包吗?a.here you are 2.喝点牛奶。b.i like coke.3.看看我的狗。c.can i h e some bread?4.别客气 不用谢 d.you are welcome.5.我喜欢可乐。e....


尼四小徐丽娟。一 说教学设想。注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,注重学生在课堂活动中的参与,注重在课堂中用鼓励性语言评价学生,用比赛激发学生的表现欲,让学生在参与中 比赛中运用语言 掌握语言,是我本节课教学设计的出发点。二 说教材 我说课的内容是陕西旅游版小学英语三年级下册第五课的第一课时。本课是以学习英...